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Easily move files and directories around your JavaScript project.

mvjs · GitHub license npm version

Easily move files and directories around your JavaScript project.

The problem

Moving JavaScript modules inside a project is generally a tedious task. After you move it using mv, you have to update their references on the other modules inside your project.

mvjs moves the module and also updates all its references on the other modules making the task of moving modules much simpler, similarly to using mv.

It does so by running a codemod on all JavaScript modules inside the project (with the help of jscodeshift) and smartly updating import declarations and require calls.

For non-js module files, a regular expression runs on their content, replacing any string that looks like a path and matches any of the moved files will be properly replaced, giving extra peace of mind - as it were - when moving .scss and other file extensions that can potentially import one of the moved files.


  • Supports and updates import _ from '...', import('...') and require('...')
  • Updates files using JavaScript, TypeScript or Flow
  • Does its best to also update non-js files
  • Moves files or directories
  • Same api and simplicity of the mv command
  • Shows easy to understand errors when unexpected things happen
  • Uses DEBUG environment variable to show extra dbug information. Ex: DEBUB=* mvjs ./a.js ./b.js


npm install -g @fabiomcosta/mvjs

This makes mvjs available globally.

CLI Usage

$ mvjs --help
mvjs - moves a JavaScript module and updates all import references in the project.

  --version         Show version number                                                                        [boolean]
  --parser          jscodeshift's parser option.
                    See                        [string] [default: "flow"]
  --ignore-pattern  Pattern of files that won't have their file references updated                              [string]
  --help            Show help                                                                                  [boolean]

  cli.js ./a.js ./b.js                                          Moves "a.js" to "b.js" and updates the other modules
                                                                importing "a.js" to now import "b.js".
  cli.js --recast.quote='double' ./a.js ./b.js                  Recast options can be changed by using
                                                                --recast.optionName notation.
                                                                In this example the codemoded files are going to have
                                                                double quotes for all strings.
  cli.js --ignore-pattern='*.d.ts'                              Ignore patterns with the familiar gitignore syntax
  --ignore-pattern='*.js.flow' ./a.js ./b.js                    defined at
                                                                Multiple patterns can be ignored by providing multiple


Consider the following folder structure for a project:

│   package.json
└── src/
    ├── common/
    │   └── config.js
    └── client/
        │   paths-client.js
        └── files-client.js

And the following file content for ./src/client/paths-client.js:

import files from './files-client';
// or const files = require('./files-client');

Let's move the ./src/client/files-client.js module inside the ./src/common/ folder:

mvjs ./src/client/files-client.js ./src/common/files.js

This will make sure that all files that had a reference to this module are also going to be properly updated, which means that paths-client.js will be updated to:

import files from '../common/files';
// or const files = require('../common/files');

API Usage

move (and ONLY move) modules:

import {move} from '@fabiomcosta/mvjs';

(async () => {
  await move({
    sourcePaths: ['./foo.js', './bar.mjs'],
    targePath: './baz'

codemod the import statements from the current project modules:

import {transform} from '@fabiomcosta/mvjs';

(async () => {
  await transform({
    sourcePaths: ['./foo.js', './bar.mjs'],
    targePath: './baz',
    parser: 'flow', // optional
    recastOptions: {quotes: 'single'} // optional


  • move .jsx, .mjs, .es, .es6
  • move multiple sources to a directory
  • move a directory to another directory
  • move any file extension (keep updating the references only from .js, .jsx, .mjs, .es, .es6 files)
  • Update references on other types of files, like CSS, SASS, LESS etc.
  • Optionaly rename imported default
  • Add option to allow other function calls to be replaced


🗂️Easily move JavaScript modules.







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