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Getting Started

GigaToni edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 5 revisions


  1. Requirements
  2. Download Repository
  3. Building DCNC
  4. Setting up MySQL
  5. Configuring DCNC
  6. Starting DCNC
  7. Connecting to DCNC


Download Repository

  1. Download the repository here
  2. Extract the .zip file in C: (You could also extract it somewhere else, but then you've to modify the paths in this guide.)

Building DCNC

  1. Open src/NeoCity.sln with Visual Studio 2015
  2. Change from Debug to Release
  3. Click Build -> Build Solution (Or CTRL+SHIFT+B)

Setting up MySQL

  1. Download and install MySQL Community Server (x86 or x64)
  2. Open a cmd window (Win+R and type in cmd)
  3. Execute the following command
  • (Replace 123456 with the password you specified in the installation at step Setting up MySQL)
mysql -uroot -p123456 -e create schema `DCNC`
  1. Import the Database tables by executing the following command
  • (Replace 123456 with the password you specified in the installation at step Setting up MySQL)
mysql -uroot -p123456 <> C:\DCNC\sql\DCMM.sql

Configuring DCNC

  1. Go into the system directory and create a folder called user
  2. In the user folder create another folder called conf
  3. Create a file called database.conf inside the newly created conf folder.

Your directory structure should look like this:

- system
-- conf
-- user
--- conf
---- database.conf
  1. Inside database.conf configure your password. (Replace 123456 with the password you specified in the installation at step Setting up MySQL)
  • Note: You can override any configuration file this way. It is however noted that you should NOT just edit the files inside system/conf/ because they'll be overwritten when you update DCNC. Always create the same file inside your user directory. (Without the include line)
host     :
port     : 3306
user     : root
pass     : 123456
database : DCNC

Starting DCNC

  1. Congratulations on making it this far. Now you're ready to start the server. At the time of writing this guide there is no specified order in which you have to start the servers. It is however recommended to start the server BEFORE the client because in testing the client couldn't sometimes connect to the server when starting the client first.

Connecting to DCNC

  1. amPerl was so kind to release an injector with launcher called RiceLauncher this is the recommended method of running the client since DCNC Hook & Injector is still in early developmentphase. Please seek it out yourself.
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