A simple x86/x64 disassembler based on Zydis
This disassembler comes with EXE parser. Based on Zydis (https://github.com/zyantific/zydis), it supports x86 and x64 instruction and extension.
Currently in beta testing phase, bug reports are welcomed!
disasm file.exe | more
disasm file.exe > file.txt
x64 disassembly:
00401000 sub rsp, 0x28
00401004 mov r9d, 0x00
0040100A lea r8, [0x0040100A00000FF6]
00401011 lea rdx, [0x0040101100001006]
00401018 mov rcx, 0x00
0040101F call [0x0040101F0000202D]
00401025 mov ecx, eax
00401027 call [0x0040102700002015]
0040102D add [rax], al
0040102F add [rax], al
00401031 add [rax], al
Support 640KB EXE (code section) only although this can be adjusted easily in the source file.
No hex bytes of CPU instruction are printed.
The Zydis.dll is licensed as MIT, but this disasm.asm
is CC0 (loyalty-free).