I'm currently studying Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and I'm interested in cybersecurity with a focus on kernel hacking.
- Using React Native to create a simple, lightweight application for tracking scores during archery practice
- Used python to design a tool used to create formatted indexes for textbooks
Hilbert Spaces and their Applications in Color Perception (video)
- Created animations using manim, a community maintained Python library for creating mathematical animations
- Group members: Evan Lin, Alex Lin, Josh Song, Eric Tsui
- Graphics by: Evan Lin, Alex Lin
- Edited by: Evan Lin
Mechmania AI Hackathon 3rd Place
- Helped create a bot to play a human vs zombie game against other bots
Lumberjack - HackIllinois Best Developer Tool
- Group members: Dhruv Chanana, James Yang
- Tool for analyzing and identifying anomalies docker logs
- Also monitors RAM and CPU usage
GIAC Foundational Cybersecurity Technologies (GFACT) | Certification
- Earned one attempt at the GFACT certification through the The National Cyber Scholarship Foundation as a National Cyber Scholar
- Topics covered: Computer Hardware Fundamentals | Computer Logic | Computer Networking | Cyber Security Concepts | Exploitation Fundamentals | Forensics Fundamentals | Operating System | Fundamentals | Programming Fundamentals
SEC275: Foundations: Computers, Technology, and Security | Certificate
- Earned $3,000 scholarship for access to the course through the CyberStart America program
- Topics covered: Computer Components & Concepts | Operating Systems, Containers, & Virtualization | Linux | Networking Fundamentals | Practical Programming in Python and C | Windows Foundations | Advanced Computer Hardware | Encryption | Forensics | Reconnaissance, Exploitation, and Privilege Escalation | Network & Computer Infiltration
SEC488: Cloud Security Essentials
- Earned $10,000 scholarship for access to the course through the Cyber FastTrack program
- Two time National Cyber Scholar with Honors | National Cyber Scholarship Foundation
- National Cyber Scholar | National Cyber Scholarship Foundation
- National Archery in the Schools Program Scholarship Winner | Illinois Conservation Foundation
- Two time AIME Qualifier | Mathematical Association of America
- CyberStart Gold Award | CyberStart America