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✨ add Cmd.TabDedupe with commands to close duplicate tabs protecting …
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can be added to your close/open tab buttons/shortcuts to avoid accumulating many duplicate tabs
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eugenesvk committed Apr 8, 2024
1 parent b451d97 commit 1edb740
Showing 1 changed file with 139 additions and 0 deletions.
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions Cmd.TabDedupe.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
@include inc_std.js
@include inc_dbg.js
@include inc_cfg.js
// Cmd.TabDedupe, ↑ must be at the very top, before comments; save as 'UTF-8 with BOM'

function OnInit(D) { = "Cmd.TabDedupe";
D.desc = "Add a command to close duplicate tabs protecting current tab" + "\n"
+"" + "" + "(e.g., add to your open/close tab shortcut)" + "\n"
+"↓Arg" + "\t" + "↓Description" + "\n"
+"right" + "\t" + "close dupes from right to left (default)" + "\n"
+"left" + "\t" + "close dupes from left to right" + "\n"
+"noprotect" + "\t" + "close current tab if it's a dupe" + "\n"
+"dual" + "\t" + "close dupes in left/up and right/down panes" + "\n"
+"" + "(click ⚙ to set a list of protected paths)";
D.version = '0.8@23-12';
D.url = '';
D.default_enable = true;
D.min_version = '12.0';

var uid = "ee79c9bf29eb4bdfa34286cfe0851b68";
var cfg = new ConfigHelper(D);
cfg.add("ProtectPaths" ).val(DOpus.Create.Vector() ).g('Misc').des('Paths to ignore / NOT to close (list)\n(changing the list requires RESTARTing Opus or termporarily turning debug mode on)');
cfg.add("DebugOutput" ).val(false ).g('  Debug').des('Enable debug output in the "Script log"');

function OnAddCommands(addCmdData) {
var cmd = addCmdData.AddCommand(); = 'TabDedupe';
cmd.method = 'OnTabDedupe';
cmd.desc = 'Close duplicate tabs';
cmd.label = 'TabDedupe';
cmd.template = 'right/s,left/s,noprotect/s,dual/s';
cmd.icon = 'script';
cmd.hide = false;

function vec2map(vec, cAsE) { // convert vector to a case(in/)sensitive map
var sV = Script.vars, sC = Script.config, DC = DOpus.Create
, map = DC.Map();
var i = vec.length;
if (cAsE) {while (i--) {map(vec[i] ) = i;}
} else {while (i--) {map(vec[i].toLowerCase()) = i;}}
return map;

function closeDuplicateTabs(cmd, tabList, protectTab, protectPathMap, closeFromLeft) {
var sV = Script.vars, sC = Script.config, DC = DOpus.Create
, mapPaths = DC.Map()
, vecTabsToClose = DC.Vector();

var tabListReverse = DOpus.Create.Vector();
if (closeFromLeft) { // reverse tablist to iterate from right to left
tabList = tabListReverse;
// dbg("protecting " + protectTab.path + " " + typeof(protectTab));
var protectPath = protectTab.path;
var itab = 0;
for (var e = new Enumerator(tabList); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var tab = e.item();
var tabPath = String(tab.path).toLowerCase();
if (mapPaths.exists(tabPath)) {
if (protectTab === tab) {dbg("Protecting tab " + tabPath)
// if (tab.visible) {cmd.RunCommand("Go TABSELECT=" + mapPaths(tabPath));}
} else if (protectPathMap.exists(tabPath)) {dbg("Protecting path " + tabPath)
} else {vecTabsToClose.push_back(tab);
// if (tab.visible) {cmd.RunCommand("Go TABSELECT=" + mapPaths(tabPath));}
} else { mapPaths(tabPath) = itab;} // add tab's index to map
itab = itab + 1;
if (vecTabsToClose.empty) {return;}
for (var e = new Enumerator(vecTabsToClose); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var tab = e.item();
if (tab.visible) {
var tabPath = String(tab.path).toLowerCase();
cmd.AddLine("Go TABSELECT=" + mapPaths(tabPath));
cmd.AddLine( "Go TABCLOSE=" + tab);
// var sh = new ActiveXObject("WScript");
// sh.sleep(1000);

function OnTabDedupe(scriptCmdData) {
var sV = Script.vars, sC = Script.config, DC = DOpus.Create
, func = scriptCmdData.func // info about the default source/dest of the command, as well as details about how it was invoked
, cmd = func.command // pre-filled Command object that can be used to run commands against the source and destination tabs. =DOpusFactory.Command and setting the source and destination tabs manually
, tab = func.sourcetab //
, args = func.args ;
var by_def = 10

if (sC.DebugOutput) {sV.Delete("isInit_TabDedupe");} // refresh vector→map conversion on each start, otherwise script vars persist and can't update if user changes the list
// if (!sV.Exists("isInit_TabDedupe")) {dbg('no exist');
// } else if ( sV.Exists("isInit_TabDedupe")) {dbg('exist');
// if (!sV.get( "isInit_TabDedupe")) {dbg('...not set');}}
if ( !sV.Exists("isInit_TabDedupe")
|| (sV.Exists("isInit_TabDedupe")
&& (!sV.get( "isInit_TabDedupe"))) ) { // doesn't exist or exists, but not init
var protectPathMap = vec2map(sC.ProtectPaths, 0); // convert to a case insensitive map
// dbg("Converted vector to map and saved to '_TabDedupe' script var");
// for (var e = new Enumerator(sC.ProtectPaths); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
// var key=e.item();dbg(key)}
// dbg("is _TabDedupe? " + sV.exists("_TabDedupe"));

var lister = DOpus.listers.lastactive;
if (!lister) {return;};
var tabs_left = lister.tabsleft;
var tabs_right = lister.tabsright;

var protect_active = lister.activetab;
var protect_inactive = lister.desttab;
if (protect_active.right) {
var tabs_active = lister.tabsright;
var tabs_inactive = lister.tabsleft;
} else {
var tabs_active = lister.tabsleft;
var tabs_inactive = lister.tabsright;
var protectPathMap = sV.get("_TabDedupe");
// for (var e = new Enumerator(protectPathMap); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {dbg(e.item())}
if (args.noprotect) {protect_active = {}; protect_inactive = {}};

var closeFromLeft = 0; //0=iterate from ←, so retain the ←←most and close the → ones
if (args.left ) {closeFromLeft = 1};
if (args.right) {closeFromLeft = 0};
// dbg("closeFromLeft " + closeFromLeft);
if (args.dual) {
closeDuplicateTabs(cmd, tabs_inactive, protect_inactive, protectPathMap, closeFromLeft);};
closeDuplicateTabs( cmd, tabs_active , protect_active , protectPathMap, closeFromLeft);

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