This is a simple template project utilizing Twitter Bootstrap and managing static assets with django-pipeline.
The purpose of this project is two-fold.
- Keep a template project that can be improved later
- Compare django-pipeline with other methods of managing static assets with Django
git clone git://
cd bootstrap-pipelined
git submodule update --init # Pull in the Twitter Bootstrap git submodule
cd bootstrap_pipelined
./ collectstatic --noinput
./ runserver
Run the following command from the source root directory:
This script will run collectstatic, fire up nginx as the current user based on a local conf, and then run the Django app behind it. nginx will server your static files. After your terminate the Django app, nginx will stop too.
NOTE I run nginx on Mac OSX, as installed by homebrew. YMMV on Linux or Windows.
- Create an S3 bucket to collect your static assets in and serve them from
Then, from the source root directory:
S3KEY=XXX S3SECRET="XXX" S3BUCKET="mah-bukkit" ./
Of course, substitute in your AWS key, secret, and bukkit, I mean, bucket!
The Bootstrap git submodule can be updated as follows:
cd bootstrap_pipelined/twitter_bootstrap/static
git checkout v2.0.5 # Or other commit, preferably a release tag
cd ../..
git add bootstrap_pipelined/twitter_bootstrap/static
git commit -m "Upgrade twitter bootstrap to 2.0.5"