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Autosar DLT Support

A library that support efficient parsing & writing log-messages encoded as Diagnositic Log and Trace messages.

Features / Functionality

  • compliant with the official Autosar DLT specification
  • efficiently parse binary DLT content
  • serialize DLT messages
  • support for non-verbose messages via FIBEX file information


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

dlt_core = "0.20"

This is an example of how to parse a message and serialize it back to a byte array.

use dlt_core::dlt_parse::{dlt_message, ParsedMessage};

fn main() {
    let raw1: Vec<u8> = vec![
        // --------------- storage header
        /* DLT + 0x01 */ 0x44, 0x4C, 0x54, 0x01,
        /* timestamp sec */ 0x2B, 0x2C, 0xC9, 0x4D, /* timestamp us */ 0x7A, 0xE8, 0x01,
        0x00, /* ecu id "ECU" */ 0x45, 0x43, 0x55, 0x00,
        // --------------- header
        /* header-type       0b0010 0001 */ 0x21,
        /* extended header        | |||^ */
        /* MSBF: 0  little endian | ||^  */
        /* WEID: 0  no ecu id     | |^   */
        /* WSID: 0  sess id       | ^    */
        /* WTMS: 0 no timestamp   ^      */
        /* version nummber 1   ^^^       */
        /* message counter */
        0x0A, /* length = 0 */ 0x00, 0x13,
        // --------------- extended header
        0x41, // MSIN 0b0100 0001 => verbose, MST log, ApplicationTraceType::State
        0x01, // arg count
        0x4C, 0x4F, 0x47, 0x00, // app id LOG
        0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x32, // context id TES2
        // --------------- payload
        /* type info 0b0001 0000 => type bool */ 0x10,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6F,
    match dlt_message(&raw1[..], None, true) {
        Ok((_rest, ParsedMessage::Item(msg))) => {
            let msg_bytes = msg.as_bytes();
            assert_eq!(raw1, msg_bytes);
        _ => panic!("could not parse message"),

Parser in action

The parser is quite fast. Parsing a 4.8 GByte DLT file that contains over 3.5 mio messages took ~12 seconds (~409 MB/sec)

The following example can be run with cargo run --example file_parser --release sample.dlt

use dlt_core::read::{read_message, DltMessageReader};
use std::{env, fs, fs::File, path::PathBuf, time::Instant};

fn main() {
    // collect input file details
    let dlt_file_path = PathBuf::from(&env::args().nth(1).expect("no filename given"));
    let dlt_file = File::open(&dlt_file_path).expect("open input file");
    let dlt_file_size = fs::metadata(&dlt_file_path).expect("file size error").len();
    // now parse all file content
    let mut dlt_reader = DltMessageReader::new(dlt_file, true);
    let mut message_count = 0usize;
    let start = Instant::now();
    while let Some(_message) = read_message(&mut dlt_reader, None).expect("read dlt message") {
        message_count += 1;
    // print some stats
    let duration_in_s = start.elapsed().as_millis() as f64 / 1000.0;
    let file_size_in_mb = dlt_file_size as f64 / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
    let amount_per_second: f64 = file_size_in_mb / duration_in_s;
        "parsing {} messages took {:.3}s! ({:.3} MB/s)",
        message_count, duration_in_s, amount_per_second

empty content after 33554430 parsed messages
parsing 33554430 messages took 12.117s! (408.651 MB/s)

Below is the revised and improved English version of the documentation:

Crate's Features

  • statistics: Enables the statistics module, which scans the source data and provides a summary of its contents. This gives you an overview of the number of messages and their content.

  • fibex: Enables the fibex module, which allows to parse configurations for non-verbose messages from a fibex model.

  • debug: Adds additional log output for debugging purposes.

  • serialization: Adds Serialize and Deserialize implementations (via serde) to all public types. This feature is useful if you need to encode or decode these types for transmission or storage.

  • stream: Provides API for parsing DLT messages from streams.

Example users

Fast DLT Log Viewing with chipmunk

chipmunk is a cross-platform log viewer that integrates dlt-core for lightning-fast parsing and display of DLT log files. With chipmunk, you can:

  • Instantly search and filter log entries
  • Highlight and save specific patterns
  • Efficiently handle large log files without sacrificing performance
  • Inspect (export and view) DLT attachments

If you’re looking for a user-friendly way to work with large DLT logs, give chipmunk a try!


DLT parsing & writing library







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