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Quick Reference
You will find below a short (and I mean short) summary of the functions and variables defined by pyprocessing. Each entry contains a Processing feature with a link to the reference page of that feature in the Processing site, the pyprocessing equivalent, if any, and a brief description of that feature.
As a rule,
pyprocessing functions have exactly the same name of their Processing counterparts,
and allow the same argument variations. On the other hand, global variables
necessarily have to follow a different naming convention in pyprocessing. When a
global variable names in Processing is a composite word, the corresponding
pyprocessing name is the first word followed by the remaining words in lowercase.
For instance, Processing's mouseX
variable is called mouse.x
in pyprocessing.
The notable exception is key
, which is equivalent to key.char
in pyprocessing.
This is still incomplete! Browsing the examples in the repository will give you a more up-to-date picture of pyprocessing's features.
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
draw() | draw()
a function of your program that is called for drawing a frame |
exit() | exit()
exits the application |
loop() | loop()
makes draw() be called periodically |
noLoop() | noLoop()
stops draw() fro being called periodically |
popStyle() | popStyle()
restores the prior style settings |
pushStyle() | pushStyle()
saves the current style settings |
redraw() | redraw
N/A | run()
your program should call this to map the drawing window and start the event loop |
setup() | setup()
a function of your program that is called automatically once by run() |
size() | size()
used to establish the dimensions of the drawing window |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
createImage() | createImage()
creates an empty PImage object |
filter() | screenFilter()
applies a filter to the display window |
image() | image()
displays a PImage object |
imageMode() | imageMode()
changes the semantics of the arguments of image() |
loadImage() | loadImage()
loads an image into a PImage object |
loadPixels() | loadPixels()
loads the current canvas data into screen.pixels |
updatePixels() | updatePixels()
displays the data from screen.pixels |
get() | get()
returns a copy, a part of a pixel of the screen |
set() | setScreen()
sets a position of the screen with data |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
cursor() | cursor() |
Changes or shows the mouse cursor. |
delay() | delay() |
stops the program from running for a specified time |
day() | day() |
returns the value of the current day |
focused | N/A | |
frameCount | frame.count |
Number of frames drawn so far. |
frameRate() | frameRate() |
Sets the number of times draw() will be called per second. |
frameRate | frame.rate |
Estimated number of frames per second for the recent past. |
height | height |
Height of the drawing window in pixels. |
hour() | hour() |
returns the value of the current hour |
link() | link() |
links to a webpage |
millis() | millis() |
returns the amount of milliseconds since starting a program |
minute() | minute() |
returns the value of the current minute |
month() | month() |
returns the value of the current month |
noCursor() | noCursor() |
Inhibits the display of the mouse cursor. |
online | N/A | |
screen | screen |
holds the width, height and pixels of the display. |
second() | second() |
returns the value of the current second |
year() | year() |
returns the value of the current year |
width | width |
width of the drawing window in pixels |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
background() | background()
clears the drawing with a background color |
colorMode() | colorMode()
sets up the color system (RGB or HSB) for specifying colors |
fill() | fill()
specifies the color for drawing filled shapes |
noFill() | noFill()
makes shapes be rendered non-filled |
noStroke() | noStroke()
makes shapes be rendered without their borders |
stroke() | stroke()
specifies the color for drawing lines and shape borders |
noTint() | noTint()
reverts to displaying images with their original values |
tint() | tint()
sets the fill value for displaying images |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
alpha() | alpha()
returns the alpha (transparency) component of a color |
blendColor() | blendColor()
returns the blending between two colors |
blue() | blue()
returns the blue component of a color |
brightness() | brightness() |
returns the brightness of a color |
color() | color()
builds a color value from its components |
green() | green() |
returns the green component of a color |
hue() | hue()
returns the hue of a color |
lerpColor() | lerpColor()
returns a linear interpolation between two colors |
red() | red()
returns the red component of a color |
saturation() | saturation()
returns the saturation of a color |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
arc() | arc() |
draws an arc of ellipse |
ellipse() | ellipse() |
draws an ellipse |
line() | line() |
draws a line segment |
point() | point() |
draws a point |
quad() | quad() |
draws a quadrilateral |
rect() | rect() |
draws a rectangle |
triangle() | triangle() |
draws a triangle |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
box() | box() |
draws a parallelepiped |
sphere() | sphere() |
draws a sphere |
sphereDetail() | sphereDetail() |
sets the level of detail used to render spheres |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
bezier() | bezier() |
Draws a cubic Bézier curve |
bezierDetail() | bezierDetail() |
Changes sampling rate of Bézier curves |
bezierPoint() | bezierPoint() |
Evaluates one coordinate of a point on a Bézier curve |
bezierTangent() | bezierTangent() |
Evaluates one coordinate of a tangent of a Bézier curve |
curve() | curve() |
Draws a cubic Catmull-Rom curve |
curveDetail() | curveDetail() |
Changes the sampling rate of Catmull-Rom curves |
curvePoint() | curvePoint() |
Evaluates one coordinate of a point of a Catmull-Rom curve |
curveTangent() | curveTangent() |
Evaluates one coordinate of a tangent of a Catmull-Rom curve |
curveTightness() | curveTightness()
Changes the tightness of Catmull-Rom curves |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
noSmooth() | noSmooth()
renders in non-antialiased mode |
rectMode() | rectMode()
changes the semantics of the arguments of rect()
ellipseMode() | ellipseMode()
changes the semantics of the arguments of ellipse()
smooth() | smooth()
renders in antialiased mode |
strokeCap() | N/A | |
strokeJoin() | N/A | |
strokeWeight() | strokeWeight() |
changes the thickness of lines |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
bezierVertex() | bezierVertex()
adds a Bézier arc to the shape |
curveVertex() | curveVertex()
adds a Catmull-Rom arc to the shape |
endShape() | endVertex()
finishes the shape |
texture() | texture()
sets a texture to be applied when drawing |
textureMode() | textureMode()
changes how texture coordinates are evalued |
vertex() | vertex() |
adds a vertex to the shape |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
mouseButton | mouse.button
tells what mouse button is pressed. |
mouseClicked() | mouseClicked()
called when a mouse button is pressed and released |
mouseDragged() | mouseDragged()
called when a mouse is dragged with a pressed button |
mouseMoved() | mouseMoved()
called when a mouse is moved with buttons pressed |
mousePressed() | mousePressed()
called when a mouse button is pressed |
mousePressed | mouse.pressed
tells whether a mouse button is pressed |
mouseReleased() | mouseReleased()
called when a mouse button is released |
mouseX | mouse.x
current x position of the mouse |
mouseY | mouse.y
current y position of the mouse |
pmouseX | pmouse.x |
previous x position of the mouse |
pmouseY | pmouse.y |
previous y position of the mouse |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
key | key.char
holds the char value of the most recently pressed key |
keyCode | key.code
holds an int code of the most recently pressed key |
keyPressed() | keyPressed()
called when a key is pressed |
keyPressed | key.pressed()
tells whether a key is pressed |
keyReleased() | keyReleased()
called when a key is released |
keyTyped() | keyTyped()
called when a non-code key is pressed |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
textAlign() | textAlign()
changes the text alignment attributes |
createFont() | createFont()
creates a font |
textFont() | textFont()
sets the received font as current font |
htmlText() | htmlText()
draws the html text at the given position |
text() | text()
draws the text at the given position |
textSize() | textSize()
changes the current font size |
textWidth() | textWidth()
returns the width of the received string rendered in the current font |
textAscent() | textAscent()
returns the ascent of the current font |
textDescent() | textDescent()
returns the descent of the current font |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
PVector | PVector
a class used to describe two or three dimensional vectors |
noise() | noise()
returns the perlin noise value at specified coordinates |
binary() | binary()
converts a value to a string in binary notation |
hex() | hex()
converts a value to a string in hexadecimal notation |
unbinary() | unbinary()
converts a string in binary notation to its decimal value |
unhex() | unhex()
converts a string in hexadecimal notation to its decimal value |
byte() | byte()
converts a char or int to its byte representation |
constrain() | constrain()
returns the constrained value according to the received parameters |
dist() | dist()
returns the Euclidean distance between two points |
map() | map()
re-maps a number from one range to another |
mag() | mag()
returns the magnitude of a vector |
lerp() | lerp()
returns a interpolation between two numbers |
sq() | sq()
returns the square of a value |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
applyMatrix() | applyMatrix()
multiplies the current transformation matrix by a given matrix |
getMatrix() | getMatrix()
returns the MODELVIEW matrix |
popMatrix() | popMatrix()
discards the current (top) matrix from the transformation matrix stack |
printMatrix() | printMatrix()
prints the current transformation matrix |
pushMatrix() | pushMatrix()
pushes a copy of the current matrix onto the transformation matrix stack |
resetMatrix() | resetMatrix()
sets an identity matrix as the the current transformation matrix |
rotate() | rotate()
rotates around a given axis |
rotateX() | rotateX()
rotates around the x axis |
rotateY() | rotateY()
rotates around the y axis |
rotateZ() | rotateZ()
rotates around the z axis |
shearX() | shearX()
shears a shape around the x axis |
shearY() | shearY()
shears a shape around the y axis |
scale() | scale()
performs a scale transformation |
translate() | translate()
performs a translation transformation |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
ambientLight() | ambientLight() |
adds an ambient light source |
directionalLight() | directionalLight |
adds a directional light source |
lightFalloff() | lightFalloff() |
sets attenuation factors for next light sources |
lightSpecular() | lightSpecular() |
sets specular coefficients for next light sources |
lights() | lights() |
turns on lighting and default light sources |
noLights() | noLights() |
turns off lighting |
normal() | normal() |
sets the normal vector for subsequent vertices |
pointLight() | pointLight() |
adds a point light source |
spotLight() | spotLight() |
adds a spot light source |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
beginCamera() | N/A | |
camera() | camera() |
sets the camera transformation |
endCamera() | N/A | |
frustum() | N/A | |
ortho() | ortho() |
sets an orthogonal projection |
perspective() | perspective() |
sets a perspective projection |
printCamera() | printCamera() |
prints the current transformation matrix |
getProjection() | getProjection()
returns the PROJECTION matrix |
printProjection() | printProjection() |
prints the current projection matrix |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
modelX() | modelX() |
returns the screen x coordinate of given object coordinates |
modelY() | modelY() |
returns the screen y coordinate of given object coordinates |
modelZ() | modelZ() |
returns the screen z coordinate of given object coordinates |
N/A | modelXYZ() |
returns the screen coordinates of given object coordinates |
screenX() | screenX() |
returns the screen x coordinate of given object coordinates |
screenY() | screenY() |
returns the screen y coordinate of given object coordinates |
screenZ() | screenY() |
returns the screen z coordinate of given object coordinates |
N/A | screenXYZ() |
returns the screen coordinates of given object coordinates |
Processing | pyprocessing | Description |
ambient() | ambient() |
sets the ambient properties of the next vertices |
emissive() | emissive() |
sets the emissive properties of the next vertices |
shininess() | shininess() |
sets the shininess property of the next vertices |
specular() | specular() |
sets the specular properties of the next vertices |