This file documents all of the features of this project.
- Links to most other files.
- "Generated from" text that links to the template and version from which the project was generated.
- Project status badge.
- Repository size badge.
- License information.
- Instructions on how to update the project correctly.
- Credits this template.
- CC BY-SA 4.0 license - perfect for preserving free content.
- Perfect for tracking issues within smaller projects - can be deleted to use a different system such as GitHub issues instead.
- Good way of sorting issues.
- Perfect for tracking ideas within smaller projects - can be deleted to use a different system such as GitHub issues instead.
- Good way of sorting ideas.
- Perfect for tracking features within smaller projects - can be deleted to use a different system such as GitHub wikis.
- Good way of sorting features.
- Ignores files that should never be added to a project anyway.
- Ignores certain files when opening with IntelliJ IDEA and possibly other IDEs too.
- Best mods for performance and FPS boosts.
- Configurations for best performance and convenience.
- A script to pack the modpack.