This project is a simple Task Manager Application built with React. As i had done a similar app named notes app, i have done the neccesary changes to the previous code and made it suit the requirements of a task manager.
Features Add, edit, and delete tasks. Mark tasks as completed. Assign priority to tasks (low, medium, high).
The main application code is in the src directory:
App.js: Main component rendering the NotesApp. NotesApp.js: Component managing the task notes.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
Clone the repository:
git clone <>
npm start: Runs the app in the development mode. Open (http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console.
- npm run build Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.