A demo microfrontend SaaS app landing page, authentication and dashboard built with React, Vue and Webpack Module Federation using Run-Time Integration. Deployment will be handled using GitHub Actions for CI/CD, and AWS S3 as the host.
NOTE: there is no backend or state for this app; it is just a demo of how to use microfrontends
Run the following command in both the auth, marketing, dashboard and container folders:
$ npm install
Run the following command in both the auth, marketing, dashboard and container folders:
$ npm start
Container: http://localhost:8080/
Marketing: http://localhost:8081/
Auth: http://localhost:8082/
Dashboard: http://localhost:8083/
$ npm run build
- Divide a monolithic app into multiple, smaller apps
- Each smaller app is responsible for a distinct feature of the product
- Multiple engineering teams can work in isolation
- Each smaller app is easier to understand and make changes to
Must be able to develop each sub-project in isolation, and run each sub-project in the context of a container.
- No importing of functions/objects/classes/etc.
- No shared state
- Shared libraries through Module Federation is OK
- Container shouldn't assume that a child is using a particular framework
- Any necessary communication done with callbacks or simple events
- CSS from one project shouldn't affect another
Requirement #4 - Version control (monorepo vs separate) shouldn't have any impact on the overall project
- Some people want to use monorepos
- Some people want to keep everything in a separate repo
Requirement #5 - Container should be able to decide to always use the latest version of a microfrontend OR specify a specific version
- Container will always use the latest version of a child app (doesn't require a redeploy of containter)
- OR Container can specify exactly which version of a child it wants to use (requires a redeploy to change)
- Want to deploy each microfrontend independently (including the container)
- Location of child app remoteEntry.js files must be known at build time!
- Many frontend deployment solutions assume you're deploying a single project - we need something that can handle multiple different ones
- Probably need a CI/CD pipeline of some sort
- At present, the remoteEntry.js file name is fixed! Need to think about caching issues
- users can navigate around to different child apps using routing logic built into the container
- users can navigate around in a child app using routing logic built into the child app itself
- not all child apps will require routing
- new routes added to a child app shouldn't require a redeploy of the container
- this will occur all the time if we have some kind of sidebar nav that is built as a separate microfrontend
- building a routing library can be hard - we don't want to author a new one
- some amount of custom coding is OK
- developing for each environment should be easy - a developer should immediately be able to see what path they are visiting
Requirement #6 - if different apps need to communicate information about routing, it should be done in as generic a fashion as possible
- each app might be using a completely different navigation framework
- we might swap out or upgrade navigation libraries all the time - shouldn't require a rewrite of the rest of the app