An example form that illustrates how easy it is to use Drupal 7's FAPI and Stripe's library to present a payment form.
Loosly follows the tutorial here.
#To install:
- Clone (or download & unpack) this module into your site's module directory (usually sites/all/modules)
- If not installed, download the libraries module (this module depends on it but yours wouldn't have to)
- Download the Stripe API Library for PHP and install in your sites libraries folder (usually sites/all/libraries). The folder should be renamed to stripe (ie sites/all/libraries/stripe/lib/Stripe.php).
- Enable this module, set your keys from Stripe in stripeform.module
- Visit /stripeform and charge it up!
#NOTE: This should not be considered a production-ready module, nor do I recommend using your live keys from Stripe unless you're okay with refunding charges. This module should serve as an example of how you could do the same for your site.