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What happens when you run Quickpose on a Processing Project

Eric Rawn edited this page Jul 28, 2022 · 4 revisions

Quickpose only modifies files within Processing Project folders which you run it within, so this article will explain the file structure of a single Quickpose Project:


  • Sketch_name.pde

Your main Processing sketch

  • render.png

the image that is saved from your processing sketch that will become the newest thumbnail

  • Quickpose/
    • tree.json

This file contains your version history, it looks something like this:

    • assets/

This folder contains any images you drag onto the canvas. To save them for later, they're copied here and served locally with the rest of the files to the canvas.

    • archive/
      • quickpose.log

This file logs actions you take in the editor with a timestamp. It looks like this (record of selecting Node 0):

Jul 15, 2022 1:21:03 PM template.tool.Quickpose lambda$networkSetup$5
INFO: Select0

This log won't contain any information besides whats shown above, with different action names (e.g. fork 5, select 4, add cat.png)

      • quickpose{TIMESTAMP}.tldr

this is a periodic backup of your canvas file. If it goes beyond 100, they'll be put into a zip archive to save space. You can always just unzip the archive if you want to look at what's in there.

    • /_0
      • Sketch_name.pde

Your code (.pde files, specifically) is copied into your current version folder automatically

      • render.png

This image is what will display as a thumbnail for each version. If you'd like to display something else, just put anything called "render.png" in your folder!

      • /checkpoint0...n

These are your checkpoint folders, saved everytime you press CTRL+S or navigate between versions with changes to a version.

    • /_1
    • ...

Whenever you make changes to your .pde files in the project folder, they'll be automatically copied to the right folder here. You shouldn't need to look through these folders to use Quickpose, but you can if you want. (If you end up having to go through them, please let me know! It probably means I've forgotten to add a feature 😄)

    • quickpose.tldr

This contains all the information required to draw the canvas. It a JSON file that looks like this:

  "name": "quickpose.tldr",
  "fileHandle": null,
  "document": {
    "id": "doc",
    "name": "sketch_220715a",
    "version": 15.4,
    "pages": {
      "page": {
        "id": "page",
        "name": "Page 1",
        "childIndex": 1,
        "shapes": {*where all your shapes are drawn*},
        "bindings": {*where arrows are attached to shapes*},
    "pageStates": {** current camera, selection, style info goes here **},
  "assets": {
    "simData": "{*This is a copy of tree.json, it makes loading the file a bit easier*}",
    "alpha": "8e-323", *The current energy of the D3 Simulation driving the nodes*
    "centerPoint": "[377,280]",
    "c97b8e1e-2a63-4461-129a-63fc50f0adc7": { *Any images you've put in the canvas — they'll be stored in the /assets/ folder*
      "id": "c97b8e1e-2a63-4461-129a-63fc50f0adc7",
      "type": "image",
      "name": "cat.png",
      "src": "",
      "size": [
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