🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- erasta/CovidDataIsrael - Covid-19 Data scraped periodically from ministery of health in Israel.
- erasta/TiffObj - LibTiff C++ class wrapper for tiff C functions, auto-generated as header only.
- erasta/JsonChangeVals - JSON tool to change values only, used for translation.
- erasta/toggl-report - Toggl monthly reports made easy.
- erasta/express-react-template - Template for React front-end with Express.js back-end as one seemless server.
- erasta/maplabels - Just click the map to add labels.
- erasta/three-octree-vertices - Octree of vertices for three.js.
- erasta/three-halfedge-dcel - Doubly-Connected-Edge-List (DCEL) implementation for three.js.
- erasta/three-tube-path - TubeGeometry with controlled amount of tubular segments as needed for three.js.
👯 I contributed to ...
- erasta/kzradio - Israeli independent radio station. רדיו הקצה
- mrdoob/three.js - JavaScript 3D Library.
- CloudCompare/CloudCompare - 3D point cloud (and triangular mesh) processing software.
- giacomocerquone/opencv-react - Hooks-first minimal OpenCV wrapper for React.
- EyalRo/HebrewPub - JAMstack static site for easier reading of multiple (in this case Hebrew) mastodon feeds.
- opencv/opencv - Open Source Computer Vision Library.
- frankzaatar/infectzia
📫 How to reach me: