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audito-maldito helm chart

Version: 1.0.0 Type: application AppVersion: v0.0.1

A Helm chart for deploying audito-maldito in Kubernetes. This chart is provided and maintained by your friends at Equinix Metal.


audito-maldito is deployed as a daemonset. This includes several containers:

  • audito-maldito - The containerized audito-maldito process. It reads from data sources using named pipes provided via a shared volume
  • rsyslog - A containerized rsyslog process that reads log messages from OpenSSH daemon and other sources and writes them to named pipes. The named pipes are shared with audito-maldito via a shared volume
  • audittail - A containerized Go program that reads audito-maldito's audit events and writes them to stdout


Key Type Default Description
health.readiness.initialDelaySeconds int 30
health.readiness.periodSeconds int 10
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string ""
image.tag string "v0.5.1"
metrics.enabled bool true
priorityClassName string ""
resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
resources.limits.memory string "512Mi"
resources.requests.cpu string "250m"
resources.requests.memory string "256Mi"
rsyslog.resources.limits.cpu string "500m"
rsyslog.resources.limits.memory string "512Mi"
rsyslog.resources.requests.cpu string "250m"
rsyslog.resources.requests.memory string "256Mi"




Ensure that the documentation is up to date before pushing a pull request:



There is a useful Makefile target that's useful to cut a release. So, simply do:


And the release will happen.

Note that this project follows the Semantic Versioning scheme, so make sure to follow it when cutting releases.

The TAG Makefile variable takes a release version without the v prefix. For example, if you want to cut a release with version v1.2.3, you'd do:

TAG=1.2.3 make release