Welcome! This is a 10-day game jam for all skill levels where you will have the added challenge of using a starting template (to be provided on Game Jam start).
If you need any help you can also join our discord community! https://discord.gg/228QKgCsUx
Your games will also be streamed on Twitch, all announcements related to that will be made in our discord.
The theme is "Reputation is Everything"
Use the provided template as a base for your game. You can add, remove and change any part of the template as long as you don't just delete the template entirely to make your own starting point.
Template will be using UNITY 2022.3.11f1
The link to the template will be provided on Game Jam start
Only those who implement the challenge will be considered for prizing
Your game must be playable on Windows without the need to install it
Teams are allowed
You can use any assets that you have the right to use
Keep it somewhat SFW
Games will be judged on 4 criteria:
Template Usage
Bug free
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to override the public vote in case of suspicious voting activity
1st place - $69, "Dinky Guardians", "Thronefall", "Meticulous"
2nd place - "Thronefall" and "Meticulous"
3rd place - "Thronefall" and "Meticulous"
Thank you to the following developers for donating game keys to our prize pool!
Code Monkey (https://www.youtube.com/@CodeMonkeyUnity)
Jonas Tyroller (https://www.youtube.com/@JonasTyroller)
Imaginary Game Studios (https://discord.gg/YyDD7ECtdJ)