- API calls
- Javascript
- fetch and async
- npm
- Node.js
- ESLint
- Jest
- Babel
- Dotenv
A currency conversion webpage that accesses up-to-date currency exchange APIs and supported country codes through asynchronous fetch calls. Mainly to practice calling promises, asynchronous methods, and chaining promises.
- Clone this repository to your desktop
- Navigate to the root directory in your terminal and run
$ npm install
- In the root directory, create a file called .env
$ touch .env
- Go to Exchange Rate API and create a free account to access an API token.
- With your API token, navigate to your .env folder and save your token to API_KEY.
- After all packages are installed and your personal API token is saved to the .env file, to start the project's server, in the root directory in your terminal run
$ npm run start
- Needs some pizazz, frankly
Copyright (c) 2023 Emma Gerigscott