Create a pet that you can pet, play, and feed! Name your pet and add it to your collection. Don't forget to take care of your pet, as it becomes hungry and lonely over time!
- C#
- .NET
- ASP.NET Core
- Microsoft Tests
- Clone this repo.
- Open your terminal (e.g. Terminal or GitBash) and navigate to this project's directory called "Tamagotchi".
- To compile and view the webpage, in the command line in the directory "Tamagotchi", run:
$ dotnet watch run
- Optionally, you can run "dotnet build" to compile this webpage without running it.
- If the webpage does not auto-load, go to your browser and navigate to https://localhost:5001
- When prompted, enter your computers password to allow ASP.NET Core to run in your browser.
- If you'd like to run tests, navigate to the Tamagotchi.Tests directory in your command line.
- To run tests, in your command line from Tamagotchi.Solution/Tamagotchi.Tests, run:
$ dotnet test
- Logo is fixed position
- Ids for pets throws off delete and edit functionality
- Methods for feeding, sleeping, and playing do not increment correctly
- Pets don't actually die yet
Copyright © 2023 Emma Gerigscott, Sarah Reimann -- Ladies IT Department