ILP Plugin that uses HTTP requests
Plugin HTTP allows for a bilateral or multilateral Interledger relationship which doesn't maintain state around websockets like Plugin BTP. It can also easily be placed behind a load balancer so that packets are distributed between a cluster of connectors.
To learn more about the architecture this plugin is designed for, read this article by @emschwartz.
For an example of usage, see the test script in test/test.js
new PluginHttp ({
multi: true, // boolean value to behave as multilateral plugin
multiDelimiter: '%', // specifies a delimiter other than the default '%'
ildcp: { // Interledger Dynamic Configuration Protocol - used to transfer node and ledger information from a parent node to a child node
// information is fetched if multilateral and unspecified
clientAddress: 'test.example',
assetCode: 'XRP',
assetScale: 9
incoming: { // describes the http server
port: 8000, // specifies which port to listen on
secret: 'shhh', /* secret used with Auth (see protocol section) - Auth is created for both incoming and outgoing to authorize the secret and token */
outgoing: {
url: '', // the endpoint to post packets to
secret: 'othersecret', // secret used in Auth
http2: false // specifies if the url uses http2
tokenExpiry: 10 * 1000, // how often to sign a new token for Auth
name: 'alice' // name to send in 'ILP-Peer-Name' header, for an ilp address
class PluginHttp extends EventEmitter { // sets all variables above based on conditions
private _connected: false // specifies if the networks are connected
private _multi: true
private _multiDelimiter: '%'
private _ildcp?: ILDCP.IldcpResponse
private _port: 8000
private _url: ''
private _http2: false
private _http2Clients: Http2ClientMap // not used in this example because not a http2 situation
private _http2MaxRequestsPerSession?: number
private _name: 'alice'
private _sendIlpDestination: false // specifies when package is ready to be sent
private _incomingAuth: Auth
private _outgoingAuth: Auth
private _dataHandler?: PacketHandler
private _httpServer: http.Server
private _app: Koa
public static version: number
constructor ({ multi, multiDelimiter, ildcp, incoming, outgoing }: PluginHttpOpts) {
super() // takes in the parameter conditions of the parent function
this._connected = false
this._multi = !!multi // sets the local variable _multi to the global
// double bang (!!) used to make sure that the multi variable is boolean
this._multiDelimiter = multiDelimiter || '%' // if no multiDelimiter is specified it uses the default
this._ildcp = ildcp
// incoming
this._port = incoming.port // sets the port to listen to
// outgoing
this._url = outgoing.url
this._http2 = !!outgoing.http2 // double bang (!!) used to make sure that the http2 variable is boolean
this._http2Clients = {}
this._http2MaxRequestsPerSession = outgoing.http2MaxRequestsPerSession
this._name = || String(this._port) // if there is no name, the outgoing name is set to the port number (String)
this._sendIlpDestination = !!outgoing.sendIlpDestination // double bang (!!) used to make sure that the sendIlpDestination variable is boolean
// authorizes the information on the incoming network
// JWT - JSON Web Token - allows for information to be passed securely between parties
this._incomingAuth = new Auth({
jwtSecret: incoming.secret,
staticToken: incoming.secretToken
this._outgoingAuth = new Auth({ // authorizes the information on the outgoing network
jwtSecret: outgoing.secret,
jwtExpiry: outgoing.tokenExpiry,
staticToken: outgoing.secretToken
/* if the connect variable is true, the function returns if connect is false, goes through conditions to make the server listen to the port, and connect the networks */
async connect (): Promise<void>
/* if the connect variable is false, the function returns if connect is true, goes through to close the connection, and disconnect the networks */
async disconnect (): Promise<void>
_verifyToken (token: string): Promise<boolean> // returns the _incomingAuth verification status
_getToken (): Promise<string> // gets the token from the _outgoingAuth
async _fetchIldcp (): Promise<ILDCP.IldcpResponse> // fetches the correct _dataHandler
async _generateUrl (destination: string): Promise<string> // used in multilateral situations to splice the url
_getHttp2ClientForOrigin (origin: string): Http2Client {
if (!this._http2Clients[origin]) {
this._http2Clients[origin] = new Http2Client(origin, {
maxRequestsPerSession: this._http2MaxRequestsPerSession
return this._http2Clients[origin]
_fetch (url: string, opts: Http2FetchParams): Promise<FetchResponse> // gets the url and the options
/* throws an error if trying to send data without networks being connected when networks are connected, this function prepares the packages and fetches info to send the data */
async sendData (data: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>