Welcome to the Giant Rocketship Automation Project! This project leverages the power of Playwright with Typescript to automate the testing of flows. 🚀
✨ Automated E2E Testing: Ensure your Flows are working flawlessly with automated tests.
✨ Automated UI Testing: Ensure your UI functions flawlessly with automated tests.
✨ Scalable & Maintainable: Easily add new tests and maintain existing ones.
Get started quickly by cloning the repository and installing the necessary dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/git-repository-name.git
cd project-directory
npm install
npm run test
npm run headed:test
npx bddgen; npx playwright test <path/to/testcase>
npx bddgen; npx playwright test <path/to/testcase> --headed
This command will generate index.html file in playwright-report folder after execution of all tests.
npm run html:test
npm run show:html:report
npm run allure
Run this command to generate allure-report folder in root of project and then serve the allure report
npm run serve:allure