Android app that uses the Marvel API to get data of characters from Marvel Restful services
YourHeroes is a little Android project using the Marvel API that was created as a final project for Udacity course “Developing Android Apps” promoted by Google.
YourHeroes uses some importants aspects of Android Platform such as: design of interfaces in landscape and portrait modes for smartphones and tablets, SQLite persistence, Loaders, Content Providers, IntentService, Restful services, JSON parsing e etc.
For run this project on emulator or Android device you need to get an API key from and put it on Tools class at PUBLIC_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY static members.
Have funny with the MARVEL API! There you have access of data from the 70-plus years of the Marvel age of comics! You can have data of characters, comics, stories, series, events and creators of comics!
For download the APK from this repository: