This is the API for a Flask web app that uses historical booking data to predict the optimal price for an AirBnB in Berlin. It is deployed to Heroku at
The data science part consists of data cleaning, wrangling, and trained on a model. The model was pickled and passed to the data engineering team.
We (@justin-hsieh and @elliotgunn) created a Flask app, deployed on Heroku, to function as an API. The API connects to the backend where the web dev team took over for full-stack deployment.
The app works by processing incoming JSON data using the request
{"feature":[{"id":3,"neighbourhood_group_cleansed":"maybe","description":"its is a description","property_type":"huge","accommodates":2,"bathrooms":1,"security_deposit":200,"cleaning_fee":3,"guests_included":0,"extra_people":0,"minimum_nights":1,"instant_bookable":false,"cancellation_policy":"big money","tv_cable":false,"pets_allowed":false,"bedrooms":1},{"id":2,"neighbourhood_group_cleansed":"maybe","description":"its is a description","property_type":"huge","accommodates":0,"bathrooms":1,"security_deposit":200,"cleaning_fee":3,"guests_included":0,"extra_people":0,"minimum_nights":1,"instant_bookable":false,"cancellation_policy":"big money","tv_cable":true,"pets_allowed":false,"bedrooms":7}]}
It then converts it to a dictonary and dataframe, generates a prediction, and then returns it as JSON data. The Flask routes serve as the API endpoints.
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