Neither jeans nor shorts, just like jorts. A sticky notes app for elementary OS [NOT READY DO NOT USE IN PROD AAAAAA]
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Jorts is a cute simple little app, and is planned to stay as a cute simple little app However the internals needs a lot of work, as they are both outdated for the modern era, and errr- Not super simply built
So there will be little features added, and said features will be mostly some prettyfication at the edge,
Main tasks are the tasks:
- Remove the pinned feature - it cant work on wayland anymore
- Do a Yaml file so we can build it for flatpak
- Do cute transitions and color name
- Repair the theming: Some parts are stuck on the Banana theme
- Repair the way window positioning is stored. It isnt wayland-friendly
- Repair the translations. Right now they dont pull in correctly because i constantly change stuff
- Do a first appcenter release
- Rebuild the way css theming is done
- Rebuild the way notes are managed and saved
- Prepare for gtk4 port
- Port to gtk4
- Move widget definitions to blueprint files
New features may sneak themselves. Feel free to check the project board
Most of the code was from Lainsce because this is a fork of an old version of Notejot.
Now, the real official notejot is something different, much less basic, and not focused on elementary OS.
Some people liked the old one, and thus we diden a fork of it. However i struggle with porting gtk3 to gtk4, so this wont really go anywhere
If you want to thank the original creator:
Be a backer on Lainsce on Patreon
Currently actively trying to revive this is me, Stella
support is always welcome and shows me people want this
Please make sure you have these dependencies first before building.
You can
sudo apt install granite gtksourceview-3.0 libjson-glib libgee-0.8 meson vala
Then simply clone this repo / download and unzip the zip, then:
flatpak-builder --force-clean --user --install-deps-from=appcenter --install builddir ./io.github.ellie_commons.jorts.yaml
Notes are stored in ~/.var/app/io.github.ellie_commons.jorts/
locate the saved_state.json