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Search Savior

About Us

Hello there 👋! We are proud members of Pod 2.1.3 also know as Goofy-Goofy 😃. We are tech-explorers 🚀, highly motivated to learn new things and build cool and random stuff 💥.


Elizabeth Crouther


Sakshi Gupta


Myat Thu Ko



We all know people rely on the internet to search 🔎 for things that they need.

  • 🛒 Shopaholics keep tabs open multiple tabs of shopping websites,
  • 👨‍💼 Workaholics open multiple tabs of their jobs-related sites,
  • 👩‍💻 Codaholics open multiple tabs of StackOverflow, GitHub, and Google searches on the Data Structure and Algorithms.

It is really frustrating 💢 to have multiple tabs opened at the same time with more than two Google Chromes. It reduces your accessibility and readability. Moreover, if you lost track or close an important tab my mistake, finding it in your browser history is again a time consuming task. ⏳

To solve this, we came up with the solution with the help of our Pod Leader, Karan.

📢 We would like to introduce "Search Savior", a Google Chrome Extension to keep track of the tabs you open from a certain period of time and show it in the webpage as a Tree Structure. 🌳

What it does?

Google Chrome DevTool Extension that can be turned on/off to track websites that are visited during a search for any random task which might include solving bugs 🐞 or reaserching about the topic you recently developed interest in ✍.

Programming Languages

  • HTML
  • CSS
Since these languages were new to us we refered to W3 school - HTML, W3 school - CSS, W3 school - JavaScript for building our chrome extension

How to use it? (Developer Version)

  • 🍴Fork this repository.
  • Go to chrome://extensions/

Screenshot 2021-02-27 022224

  • Turn on the Developer Mode.

  • Click on Load Unpacked and select the directory to upload the chrome extension for your local computer.

  • You will able to see a blue icon on the extensions bar, if not pin it for handy use Screenshot 2021-02-27 022652 .

  • Click on the Search-Savior icon.

  • A pop-up will appear.

Screenshot 2021-02-27 023007

  • Toggle it on (to start saving your search from the current page)

Screenshot 2021-02-27 023145

  • Do your research.
  • Once done, you can add a search name and provide a category to it for future references. Make sure to hit the SAVE button to save your activity.

Screenshot 2021-02-27 023418

How to access your searches?

If you want to access your past searches

  • Click on the Search-Savior extension icon.
  • A pop-up will appear, Click on "projects".
  • You will land on the Projects Page, which have track of all your previous searches

Screenshot 2021-02-27 024101

  • Click on the search you want to explore.
  • You will land on a page which will have the collection of url's of the wensites you visited (in the order of traversal)



  1. Delete Row: It allows you to select multiple rows and delete them at once. You just need to check all the branches which you want to delete and hit the Delete Row Button.

Screenshot 2021-02-27 025240

  1. Rename (In progress): It will allow you to rename a Search, if you are not satisfied with the description or want to add something new, select the row you want to modify and git the RENAME button.

  2. Search Bar(upcomming feature): It will allow to search based on filters like:

  • sort by name,
  • sort by date,
  • search by category,
  • search by a specific website,
  • search by search name.
Want to contribute to these upcomming features or have some ideas to make this extension more user friendly? Refer to the for more details.

Challenges we ran into

  • Working with JavaScript
  • Different timezone but we made it work
  • CSS and tiny little things with different syntax usages in HTML and JavaScript like class and className

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Learning Web Dev using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Learning and deploying Chrome Extension
  • Teamwork with different timezone
  • Improving our git commands usages
  • Solving Merge Conflicts

What we learned

  • How to build a chrome extension
  • Teamwork makes the dream work
  • JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Git commands (both remotely and locally)

Have Feature Requests or Want to Contribute?

Refer to the for more details.

Found a Bug? 🐞

Refer to the for more details.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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