iNexus is a high available key-value store, which can be used to coordinate large scale services. (based on Raft protocol)
iNexus (简称ins) 是一个基于Raft协议实现的高可用的分布式Key-Value数据库,支持数据变更通知(Watch)和分布式锁,可用于大型分布式系统的协调工作
iNexus原本是Galaxy集群管理系统的一个组件,它的产生源于我们的业务需要一个类似于Google Chubby一样的组件。它能提供分布式naming、lock服务,并能存储一定规模的元数据(百GB的级别)。
- comake2 -UB
- comake2
- make
免编译体验 -- 采用statifier静态化的预编译版本,在主流64位Linux发行版上都能直接运行: 下载 -- [ins_prebuild.tar.gz] (
cd sandbox
./ (启动本机5个进程监听不同端口,模拟一个集群)
./ (进入命令行管理界面)
galaxy ins> help
show [ show cluster ]
put (key) (value) [ update the data ]
get (key) [read the data by key ]
delete (key) [remove the data by key]
scan (start-key) (end-key) [scan from start-key to end-key(excluded)]
watch (key) [event will be triggered once value changed or deleted]
lock (key) [lock on specific key]
enter quit to exit shell
- 53200 read per second
- 9100 write per second
- C++ 客户端库编译:make install_sdk
- Python 客户端编译: make python
- include ins_sdk.h , link the static library libins_sdk.a
- usage example:
- read .travis.yml and install the depends libs
- make && make install
- 如果只编译sdk, 不依赖leveldb