MEAN app for the order management of an hypothetical restaurant
Note: this is the configuration of our test device.
Base configuration:
- OS: Ubuntu/Linux 18.04.1 LTS
- Node.js 10.12.0
- npm 6.9.0
- MongoDB 4.0.9
- Angular CLI 8.0.1 (
npm install -g @angular/cli
For Mobile/Android:
- Java SE Development Kit 8u202
- Android SDK with API 28
- Apache Cordova 9.0.0 (
npm install -g cordova
npm run install
npm run mongo # only if MongoDB is not running yet
npm run build-web
npm run populate
# Mobile/Android (optional)
npm run build-android
# Desktop/Linux (optional)
npm run build-linux
# Desktop/Win32 (optional)
npm run build-win32
Server runs on http://localhost:3201/
Starter user: cashier1:cashier1
npm run start-web
# Mobile/Android (optional)
npm run start-android
# Desktop/* (optional)
npm run start-desktop