#1354 Serialize to writer directly
#1356 Better logging in PayloadSenderV2 on task cancellation
#1358 Propagate Trace context in exit spans (issues: #1350 , #1344 )
#1374 Get Command and Key for StackExchange.Redis spans (issue: #1364 )
#1474 Add CosmosDB integration to NetCoreAll
#1368 Use 10K limit for CaptureBody similar to the Java agent (issue: #1359 )
Bug Fixes
#1362 Unset parentId if TraceContextIgnoreSampledFalse is active
#1367 Make sure BreakdownMetricsProvider prints 1K warning only once per collection (issue: #1361 )
#1471 Sanitize Central config request URI and headers in logs (issue: #1376 )
#1472 Honor Transaction.Outcome set by public API in auto instrumentation (issue: #1349 )
#1481 Use Kubernetes pod id determined from cgroup file
#1365 Update SystemInfoHelper.cs
#1366 Filter Jenkins branches
#1373 Small improvements
#1377 Cleanup Azure resource groups
#1473 Add Cosmos Db integrations to documentation
#1487 ADO.NET instrumentation flags
#1356 Better logging in PayloadSenderV2 on task cancellation
You can’t perform that action at this time.