- Barcelona
- http://elaragon.net
- @elaragon
Map Wikidata items to a taxonomy of topics from WikiProjects
Twitter's open source website, identifying projects we've released, organizations we support, and the work we do to support open source.
Machine learning library for uncertainty estimation of black-box classification systems
A course on Network Science, including network formation models, structural patterns, and dynamic processes.
Interpretable data visualizations for understanding how texts differ at the word level
lead-ratings / gender-guesser
Forked from ferhatelmas/sexmachineGuess gender from first name in Python 2 and 3
Light, personalized, interactive dashboards for urban data exploration.
Moment.js Plugin for parsing Relative Time Strings
🎓🎭 PhD Thesis: Sentiment Analysis-Based Methods for Cultural Monuments
"Predicting the Success of Online Petitions Leveraging Multidimensional Time-Series" WWW'17, Perth, Australia