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A Discord bot for the CosmoQuest Community Discord

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A bot for the CosmoQuestX Discord Server.

Docker (for deploying)

The Dockerfile can be built like a regular docker file, using docker build . Howerver it is highly recommended to use docker compose:

  • Download and Install Docker
  • For ubuntu, first install docker-compose using sudo apt update && sudo apg-get install docker-compose-plugin
    Docker Desktop for Windows will have it pre-installed.
  • Navigate to the root of this repostory and run the bot using docker compose up -d
    (You can remove the -d to see the log output in the console, but once you close the console the bot will also close)

Python 3.12 (for developing)

  • Downlad and Install Python3.12
    (Make sure you install pip as well)

  • (Optional but recommended) Set up an activate a virtual environment:

    • For Ubuntu, first install venv using sudo apt update && sudo apg-get install python3-venv
      Windows will already have it installed with Python.
    • In any terminal window, type python3 -m pip install venv
    • In the root directory of the repository (the same directory where this file was found), type: python3 -m venv .venv
    • Activate the virtual evironment using:
      • Linux/Mac: . .venv/bin/activate
      • Windows: Either .venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 in PowerShell or .venv/Scripts/activate.bat in CMD.
  • Navigate to the root of the repository and type:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Start the bot using python CosmoGolem/

The Settings File

You will have to edit the settings file in the data folder before you can actually use the bot.

You must fill in at least the following:

    "bot_token": "BOT_TOKEN",
    "server_id": 1234567890,
    "mod_role_id": 1234567890,
    "owners": [ 9876543210 ]
  • bot_token: string - Your Bot Token (found at the Discord Developers' dashboard)
  • server_id: int - To obtain, with Developer Mode active (Settings -> Advanced), right-click the server and select Copy ID.

    This doesn't determined where the bot is connected to (that is determined by the bot-token), but rather teaches the bot what server it's in.
    There's probably a better way to do this, but for now we do it manually.

  • mod_role_id: int - To obtain, with Developer Mode active (Settings -> Advanced), go to Server Settings -> Roles, click the ... button nex to the relevant role, and Copy ID.
  • owners: list<int> - List of user IDs for users considered owners (basically bot admins).

Optional Settings

You can set the trustworthiness of various sites under the trustwothiness key.
Each entry should look like this:

<pattern>: {
  "trust": double, //Trust level between 0 and 1.
  "aliases": List[string], //An optional list of other strings to use as patterns for this rule.
  "message": string, //The message to display when the pattern is detected in a URL.

The trust levels are:

  • < 0.5: Untrustworthy
  • < 0.75: Questionable
  • >= 0.75: Trustworthy

For example:

"": {
    "trust": 0.7,
    "message": " might contain pre-published articles which may not have been propertly peer reviewed."

💡 In a future version this will be managed by commands rather than manual editing.

The Data Folder

The bot uses a folder called data to both store its logs to and read settings form.
By default, this is the folder data in the repository, which contains an empty settings file and will also be mounted by docker-compose as a volume so that its data will persist if you use docker locally.

If you want to use a differnet folder, simply set that path in the CQXBOT_DATAPATH environment variable.


A Discord bot for the CosmoQuest Community Discord



