Write an application using React/Redux that allows a user to search the current weather by city. The application should also allow a user to view previous searches. Pull current weather data from the Open Weather Map Current API (https://openweathermap.org/current). You will need to sign up to get an API key.
Create a page that allows a user to type in a city and search for the current weather. The current weather will be displayed back to the user and should include:
- current conditions
- brief description of weather
- city name
- time of the search
Display a list of the user's search history. The history should include the same displayed fields as above. You can display both the current search and history on the same page.
- Add four passing tests ( 2 reducer tests, 1 action test, and 2 unit tests )
- Add an alert when the city does not exist
- Add some small UI features like disabling the submit button when the input is blank and clearing the input when the city is found
- Add responsiveness