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This is a highly flexible task management system. It already has a lot of features and is quite usable despite being a fairly early state.

You can try Taskit out yourself at

Originally this project was to be a commercial venture, but now I feel that the community could complete the project and benefit from the project much more if it weren't commercial.

Help Us

This project has a few missing features and a few things that need some attention here and there. If you like the project and want to help, please do! is using the same code you can find here.


At this point, I would much rather someone make use of my code than make money off of it. If winds up with enough traffic it may require something to subsidise it, but it's my intention to keep it as free as possible for as long as possible.


Taskit requires PHP 5 and Yii (1.1.12 works fine). You also need an SQL database system. We use PostgreSQL for ours. There's PostgreSQL specific features in the included sql scripts.

There's no real reason it couldn't work with MySQL or another system, but I haven't tried it yet.

When you clone the taskit git repo, it will have an htdocs directory inside it ready for using with your website. The default configuration assums that yii will be checked out in the root of the git repository.

I like to create a symlink to the specific yii versioned directory named simply "yii". This is the directory that taskit expects to find yii. If you would like to change this you can edit htdocs/index.html and htdocs/protected/yiic.php.

If using PostgreSQL you must have a user created, for example:

createuser -P -D -E -S -R -U postgres taskit

This command will create a new user named taskit who can use their own databases, but is not a superuser, cannot create new databases, or other users.

Next, create the database:

createdb -U postgres -O taskit taskit

This will create the database as postgres, but the database will be owned by taskit, and the database will be named taskit.

Next, create the tables:

psql -U taskit taskit -f taskit.sql

Next, configure your taskit. Open the following file in your favorite editor:


Feel free to change the name near the top, configure the database section (look for connectionString) and enter required credentials. Finally, check out the 'params' section at the bottom and change this to suit your needs.

Finally, if using Apache (recommended for now), then you'll need the following added to your configuration, modified for your needs:

<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot "/srv/domains/localhost/taskit/htdocs"
	ServerName taskit.localhost

	<Directory "/srv/domains/localhost/taskit/htdocs">
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
		AllowOverride all
		Require all granted  # This is apache 2.4 syntax
		<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
			RewriteEngine on

			RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
			RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
			RewriteRule . index.php

Unfortunately, Taskit currently must be in the root of a virtual host to function correctly. With any luck, this will be fixed soon. Restart apache and you're good to go.

If you want to use something other than apache, make sure that something equivelent to the above rewrite rules works, and the htdocs/protected directory is not accessible to the public.

Yii has some guidse for getting it running with other web servers on their website.

Create Initial Users

Users can be created on the command line using the yiic tool. To create your first user enter:

	htdocs/protected/yiic user create --username=<user> --email=<email>

This will let you know if your database configuration has worked, and also create your first user account. The password will be generated randomly, and displayed on the screen.

You should now be able to login to Taskit.


Task management system







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