The bioinformatics platform of the Institut Curie provides here a list of free bioinformatics trainings available online, from beginners to advanced users. The content of these training materials was not created by the platform itself and remains the property of their owner. You can contact them directly if you have questions or contact us at [email protected].
- Selected contents for
- Ressources
- Cheatsheets
- Youtube channels
- Misceallenous
- R
- Python
- NGS data analysis
- Deep learning in 5 minutes
- Reproducibility
- Unix -Text processing with Awk -Text manipulation with sed
- NGS data analysis
- Reproducibility
- Bash: cheatsheet 1, cheatsheet 2
- Unix
- Regexp
- Python: cheatsheet 1, cheatsheet 2
- R: base, data import, data transformation with dplyr, data visualization with ggplot2, rmarkdown
- NGS glossary
- Swirl
- R, statistics, data analysis, interactive
- Ecole de bioinformatique AVIESAN-IFB-INSERM
- R, Unix, NGS, data analysis
- Cancéropôle Ile-de-France
- NGS, data analysis, Galaxy
- RStudio Primers
- R
- Awesome Bioinformatics
- R, Python, NGS, data analysis
- Databio: bioinformatics skills resources
- Git, Markdown, Unix, Python, R
- RStudio Education
- R
- Harvard: learning bioinformatics at home
- Unix, Git, R, Python, NGS, data analysis
- Quinlan Applied Genomics Course
- Unix, Genomics, NGS, data analysis
- PH525x series - Biomedical Data Science
- R, NGS, data analysis, statistics, machine learning, NGS
- Rockfeller University bioinformatics trainings
- R, NGS, data analysis
- R for Data Science
- R
- Avoiding data disasters
- R, data management
- Nf-core Nextflow tutorials
- Nextflow
- EMBL-EBI webinars
- Proteomics, Genomics
- Rosalind
- algorithms, python, data analysis
- Ivy League Courses freeCodeCamp list
- programming, data analysis
- (new) Picking Up The Tabb
- R, statistics, data analysis, Proteomics, Genomics, python
- Fun-mooc, France Université Numérique
- Registration needed, free
- Datacamp
- Registration needed, first chapter of all courses are free
- Coursera
- Registration needed, audits are free
- List of available bioinformatics courses
- R, data analysis
- StatQuest
- R, statistics, machine learning
- Global Health with Greg Martin
- R, statistics
- R programming 101
- R
- Simplilearn
- R, machine learning, python
- MarinStatsLectures
- R, statistics
- Data Science Dojo
- R, python
- DataCamp
- R, python
- Applied Biological Materials
- NGS, data analysis
- Python Programmer
- python, machine learning, data analysis
Have fun learning!
- Bioinformatics Quiz: test your knowledge of bioinformatics
- Genome Jumper: The mobile game to discover your genes !
- Prime it DNA Game: Design your PCR primers
- Molecular Games: Series of puzzles and questions you will have to solve using your knowledge of Molecular Biology
- Crazy DNA: Help the professor to connect DNAs and revolutionize bioengineering by creating a new type of animal!