This package provides web forms for user interaction with the Eionet LDAP account system. Users can modify personal information and change their password. New accounts and password recovery are handled by another package.
The EionetLDAP package needs to be installed in the Products folder of a Zope instance. You can create an EionetLDAP object anywhere, with any name; it should find acl_users and MailHost (see Dependencies below) by itself. You can customize the noreply e-mail address and e-mail templates from the Properties tab.
For Zope 2.8: make sure the eea
folder is on the Python path, so that
can be imported. Copy or symlink the
folder into a Zope product folder (e.g. the
folder inside INSTANCE_HOME
For Zope 2.10 and newer: make sure eea.userseditor
can be imported. Zope will automatically find
and load the product at startup.
From ZMI you can now add an Eionet Users Editor object.
Page templates in this package expect the Eionet default layout at /styles
and jQuery at /styles/jquery-1.4.4.min.js
; it also uses the macro at
There are two components: an LDAP agent, and a user-interface Zope2 object
subclassed from SimpleItem
. Templates are rendered using the Zope3 template
engine, so be careful, they make no security checks.
Both modules are covered by unit tests in the tests
folder. To run them you
need mock, lxml and BeautifulSoup; nose is highly recommended. In a
buildout environment you could set up a test runner like so:
[nosetests] recipe = zc.recipe.egg scripts = nosetests eggs = nose mock lxml beautifulsoup4 eea.userseditor extra-paths = ../zopes/2.10.12/lib/python