Welcome to the source page for Seven Bridges. Make sure to check out our front page for more information and some cool videos.
The city of Königsberg in Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) was built around two rivers with seven bridges. For years the residents tried to cross each bridge without crossing any of them more than once.
Leonhard Euler proved that it was impossible to cross all the bridges without repeating and laid the foundation for graph theory and modern topology at the same time.
This project is an iPad and iPhone game based on those famous bridges. Each level presents a puzzle with bridges to cross, houses to visit, and sometimes coins to collect.
The easiest way to get Seven Bridges is to buy it in the App Store. It's just $0.99.
You can also run the game for free in Xcode with three steps:
- Download the code or clone the repository.
- Open the project in Xcode.
- Click the run button.
Want an easy way to contribute to the game? Make a new level. Each level is defined in a simple level definition file. Make a really awesome level and I'll include it in the game.
The basic rules of the game are simple.
Here are some sample levels:
The real game has 80 levels.
This project is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.