Program useful for editing batches of images, specializing in score images
Useful side feature is mass renaming/copying files.
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Version: Nov 03 2019 22:31:12 Copyright 2017-2019 Edward Xie Syntax: filename_or_folder... command params... ... If you want to recursively search a folder, type -r before it If a file starts with a dash, double the starting dash: "-my-file.jpg" -> "--my-file.jpg" parameters that require multiple values are notated with a comma parameters can be tagged to reference a specific input with prefix:value prefixes sometimes allow switching between different types of input ex: img0.png --image1.jpg my_folder -r rec_folder -fg 180 -ccg bsr:0,30 -fr l:100 w:100 h:30 t:0 -o %f.%x t Type command alone to get readme Available commands: Single Page Operations: Convert to Grayscale: -cg Filter Gray: -fg min max=255 replacer=255 Horizontal Padding: -hp left right=l tolerance=0.005 background_threshold=128 Vertical Padding: -vp top bottom=t tolerance=0.005 background_threshold=128 Straighten: -str min_angle=-5 max_angle=5 angle_prec=0.1 pixel_prec=1 boundary=128 gamma=2 use_horiz=t Rotate: -rot angle mode=cubic gamma=2 Fill Rectangle: -fr left top horiz vert color=255 origin=tl Rescale Brightness: -rcg min mid max=255 Cluster Clear Gray: -ccg required_color_range=0,255 bad_size_range=0,0 sel_range=0,200 repl_color=255 eight_way=false Blur: -bl st_dev gamma=2 Extract First Layer: -exl Cover Transparency: -ct red=255 green=r blue=r Remove Border (DANGER): -rb tolerance=0.9 Rescale: -rs factor interpolation_mode=auto gamma=2 Crop: -crp left top horizontal vertical Rescale Absolute: -rsa width height ratio=preserve mode=automatic gamma=2 Change Canvas Size: -ccs width=preserve height=preserve origin=tl Morphological AA: -mlaa contrast_threshold=128 gamma=2 Cluster Match Erase: -tme template_file_name threshold=0.95 Sliding Erase Downscale Match: -stme template_file_names downscale thresh=0.95 replace=fill:255 l=-99999 t=-999999 h=99999 v=99999 o=tl Remove Empty Lines: -rel min_space max_presence=5 background_threshold=128 Vertical Compress: -vc min_vert_space min_horiz_pr max_vert_pr background=128 min_horiz_space=mvs Multi Page Operations: Splice: -spl horiz_pad=3% opt_pad=5% min_pad=1.2% opt_hgt=55% excs_wgt=10 pad_wgt=1 bg=128 divider="" Cut: -cut min_width=66% min_height=8% horiz_weight=20 min_vert_space=0 bg=128 Options: Output: -o pattern=%w move=false Verbosity: -vb level Number of Threads: -nt num Boundary Select: -bsel first_file1 last_file1 ... first_filen last_filen Starting index: -si index Filter: -flt pattern keep_match List Files: -list Quality: -q quality Multiple Single Page Operations can be done at once. They are performed in the order they are given. A Multi Page Operation can not be done with other operations.
Just a Visual Studio Solution
Get the following dependencies with vcpkg:
libjpeg-turbo:x(64|86)-windows-static tiff:x(64|86)-windows-static libpng:x(64|86)-windows-static
See READMEs in ScoreProcessor/lib/cudnn and ScoreProcessor/lib/mkldnn
Because I started this as a C++ noob, I broke some stuff with the Debug build, and have not bothered to fix it. Only Release is known to work.
get from Releases, unzip to a directory, and add that directory to PATH. Running addme.bat should do this automatically. You will need microsoft redistributable c++. If you do not have it, you can get it here: