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This is a simple component that takes a PyVista plotter object and shows it on Streamlit as an interactive element (as in it can be zoomed in/out, moved and rotated, but the visualization state is not returned). It uses PyVista's pythreejs backend and it basically takes the plotter, exports it to HTML and displays that within an iframe.
pip install stpyvista
π€ Display your own STL file on Streamlit
π Physically Based Rendering (PBR)
import pyvista as pv
import streamlit as st
from stpyvista import stpyvista
# ipythreejs does not support scalar bars :(
pv.global_theme.show_scalar_bar = False
st.title("A cube")
st.info("""Code adapted from https://docs.pyvista.org/user-guide/jupyter/pythreejs.html#scalars-support""")
## Initialize a plotter object
plotter = pv.Plotter(window_size=[400,400])
## Create a mesh with a cube
mesh = pv.Cube(center=(0,0,0))
## Add some scalar field associated to the mesh
mesh['myscalar'] = mesh.points[:, 2]*mesh.points[:, 0]
## Add mesh to the plotter
plotter.add_mesh(mesh, scalars='myscalar', cmap='bwr', line_width=1)
## Final touches
plotter.background_color = 'white'
## Send to streamlit
stpyvista(plotter, key="pv_cube")
- The PyVista project at https://www.pyvista.org/
- @blackary's blog post on how to build a custom component