A simple install script for installing DjangoPBX. It is recommended to start with a minimal install of the operating system.
Debian is the preferred operating system by the FreeSWITCH developers.
The current OS version being used for DjangoPBX development is Bookworm. Details here: https://www.debian.org/releases/bookworm/installmanual
mkdir -p /usr/src/djangopbx-install
cd /usr/src/djangopbx-install
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djangopbx/djangopbx-install.sh/master/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
Modify the script to suit your requirements (eg. nano install.sh). The Configuration Section of the script is a good place to start. Then simply run it and follow the prompts:
The install script has now entered a stage of Alpha Testing.
It has sucessfully installed on several servers but that does not guarantee that it will work in every environment.