A variant of the popular Lingo game concept
Here is how the Three-Syllable-Singo game works:
- The game starts and a random three-syllable word is chosen by the game engine
- The word is show to the player:
- The first character of the word will be visible
- The total length of the word will be visible, where the characters other than the first one are shown as wildcards
- The syllables will be distinguishable
- The player can now guess the word by putting in characters on the word's available character locations
- The player confirms his input
- The game will verify the input:
- Locations that contain a valid character are marked as "Valid"
- Locations that do not contain a valid character:
- If the character does not exist in the word, the location is marked as "Invalid"
- If the character does exist in the word but on another location, the location is marked as "Misplaced"
- The result of the verified input will define the following actions:
- If the verified input only contains "Valid" locations, the player has guessed the word. The game restarts with a new random word.
- If the verified input contains one or more "Invalid" or "Misplaced" locations, the player can guess again by providing new input.
- The game ends when the player quits guessing and closes the game
To summarize, the differences with the default Lingo concept are:
- Variable word length
- Unlimited tries
- Syllable distinguishing
These are the requirements that are defined for the game. They are open for change as the game development progresses.
- Language Support: Dutch (NL)
- Java Swing GUI
- Language Support for other languages
- Score system
- Multiplayer
- Web-based GUI
- Option for sentence that rhymes on the guessed word (as a joke)
- Multiplayer over network
- Sound/voice input