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@mnwhite mnwhite released this 04 Jun 13:24
· 401 commits to master since this release

Note: Due to major changes on this release, you may need to adjust how AgentTypes are instantiated in your projects using HARK. If you are manually constructing "complicated" objects like MrkvArray, they should be assigned to your instances after initialization, not passed as part of the parameter dictionary. See also the new constructor methodology for how to pass parameters for such constructed inputs.

This release drops support for Python 3.8 and 3.9, consistent with SPEC 0, and adds support for Python 3.11 and 3.12. We expect that all HARK features still work with the older versions, but they are no longer part of our testing regimen.

Major Changes

  • Drop official support for Python 3.8 and 3.9, add support for 3.11 and 3.12. #1415
  • Replace object-oriented solvers with single function versions. #1394
  • Object-oriented solver code has been moved to /HARK/ConsumptionSaving/, for legacy support of downstream projects.
  • AgentTypeMonteCarloSimulator now requires model shock, parameter, and dynamics information to be organized into 'blocks'. The DBlock object is introduced. #1411
  • RBlock object allows for recursive composition of DBlocks in models, as demonstrated by the AgentTypeMonteCarloSimulator #1417
  • Transtion, reward, state-rulle value function, decision value function, and arrival value function added to DBlock #1417
  • All methods that construct inputs for solvers are now functions that are specified in the dictionary attribute constructors. #1410
  • Such constructed inputs can use alternate parameterizations / formats by changing the constructor function and providing its arguments in parameters.
  • Move HARK.datasets to HARK.Calibration for better organization of data and calibration tools. #1430

Minor Changes

  • Add option to pass pre-built grid to LinearFast. #1388
  • Moves calculation of stable points out of ConsIndShock solver, into method called by post_solve #1349
  • Adds cubic spline interpolation and value function construction to "warm glow bequest" models.
  • Fixes cubic spline interpolation for ConsMedShockModel.
  • Moves computation of "stable points" from inside of ConsIndShock solver to a post-solution method. #1349
  • Corrects calculation of "human wealth" under risky returns, providing correct limiting linear consumption function. #1403
  • Removed 'parameters' from new block definitions; these are now 'calibrations' provided separately.
  • Create functions for well-known and repeated calculations in single-function solvers. 1395
  • Re-work WealthPortfolioSolver to use approximate EGM method #1404
  • Default parameter dictionaries for AgentType subclasses have been "flattened": all parameters appear in one place for each model, rather than inheriting from parent models' dictionaries. The only exception is submodels within a file when only 1 or 2 parameters are added or changed. #1425
  • Fix minor bug in HARK.distribution.Bernoulli to allow conversion into DiscreteDistributionLabeled. #1432