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@sbenthall sbenthall released this 16 Feb 15:27
· 1032 commits to master since this release

Major Changes

  • Updates the DCEGM tools to address the flaws identified in issue #1062. PR: 1100.
  • Updates IndexDstn, introducing the option to use an existing RNG instead of creating a new one, and creating and storing all the conditional distributions at initialization. 1104
  • make_shock_history and read_shocks == True now store and use the random draws that determine newborn's initial states #1101.
  • FrameModel and FrameSet classes introduced for more modular construction of framed models. FrameAgentType dedicated to simulation. #1117
  • General control transitions based on decision rules in FrameAgentType. #1117
  • Adds distr_of_function tool to calculate the distribution of a function of a discrete random variable. #1144
  • Changes the DiscreteDistribution class to allow for arbitrary array-valued random variables. #1146
  • Adds IndShockRiskyAssetConsumerType as agent which can invest savings all in safe asset, all in risky asset, a fixed share in risky asset, or optimize its portfolio. #1107
  • Updates all HARK models to allow for age-varying interest rates. #1150
  • Adds DiscreteDistribution.expected method which expects vectorized functions and is faster than HARK.distribution.calc_expectation. #1156
  • Adds DiscreteDistributionXRA class which extends DiscreteDistribution to allow for underlying data to be stored in a xarray.DataArray object. #1156
  • Adds keyword argument labels to expected() when using DiscreteDistributionXRA to allow for expressive functions that use labeled xarrays. #1156
  • Adds a wrapper for for fast multilinear interpolation. #1151
  • Adds support for the calculation of dreivatives in the wrappers. #1157
  • Adds class DecayInterp to It implements interpolators that "decay" to some limiting function when extrapolating. #1165
  • Add methods to non stochastically simulate an economy by computing transition matrices. Functions to compute transition matrices and ergodic distribution have been added #1155.
  • Fixes a bug that causes t_age and t_cycle to get out of sync when reading pre-computed mortality. #1181
  • Adds Methods to calculate Heterogenous Agent Jacobian matrices. #1185
  • Enhances combine_indep_dstns to work with labeled distributions (DiscreteDistributionLabeled). #1191
  • Updates the numpy random generator from RandomState to Generator. #1193
  • Turns the income and income+return distributions into DiscreteDistributionLabeled objects. #1189
  • Creates UtilityFuncCRRA which is an object oriented utility function with a coefficient of constant relative risk aversion and includes derivatives and inverses. Also creates UtilityFuncCobbDouglas, UtilityFuncCobbDouglasCRRA, and UtilityFuncConstElastSubs. #1168
  • Reorganizes HARK.distribution. All distributions now inherit all features from scipy.stats. New ContinuousFrozenDistribution and DiscreteFrozenDistribution to use scipy.stats distributions not yet implemented in HARK. New Distribution.discretize(N, method = "***") replaces Distribution.approx(N). New DiscreteDistribution.limit attribute describes continuous origin and discretization method. #1197.
  • Creates new class of labeled models under ConsLabeledModel that use xarray for more expressive modeling of underlying mathematical and economics variables. #1177

Minor Changes

  • Updates the lognormal-income-process constructor from to use IndexDistribution. #1024, #1115
  • Allows for age-varying unemployment probabilities and replacement incomes with the lognormal income process constructor. #1112
  • Option to have newborn IndShockConsumerType agents with a transitory income shock in the first period. Default is false, meaning they only have a permanent income shock in period 1 and permanent AND transitory in the following ones. #1126
  • Adds benchmark utility to profile the performance of HARK solvers. #1131
  • Fixes scaling bug in Normal equiprobable approximation method. 1139
  • Removes the extra-dimension that was returned by calc_expectations in some instances. #1149
  • Adds HARK.distribution.expected alias for DiscreteDistribution.expected. #1156
  • Renames attributes in DiscreteDistribution: X to atoms and pmf to pmv. #1164, #1051, #1159.
  • Remove or replace automated tests that depend on brittle simulation results. #1148
  • Updates asset grid constructor from to allow for linearly-spaced grids when aXtraNestFac == -1. #1172
  • Renames DiscreteDistributionXRA to DiscreteDistributionLabeled and updates methods #1170
  • Renames HARK.numba to HARK.numba_tools #1183
  • Adds the RNG seed as a property of DiscreteDistributionLabeled #1184
  • Updates the approx method of HARK.distributions.Uniform to include the endpoints of the distribution with infinitesimally small (zero) probability mass. #1180
  • Refactors tests to incorporate custom precision HARK_PRECISION = 4. #1193
  • Cast DiscreteDistribution.pmv attribute as a np.ndarray. #1199
  • Update structure of dynamic interest rate. #1221