Create Virtual Environment
mkdir ~venv/
python3 -m venv ~/venv
Download the top wallpapers for the week off of to a directory and delete files older than a day.
Variable | Description | Choices | [Default] |
-v --verbose |
increase the verbosity | 0 |
-d --directory |
directory to save images to | ~/Pictures/Backgrounds/Downloaded Backgrounds/ |
--min-width |
min width of image | 1920 |
--min-height |
min height of image | 1080 |
--force-aspect-ratio |
only download files that match the given aspect ratio | '25:16','3:2','5:4', '4:3', '16:10', '9:16', '16:9' |
10000 |
--no-delete-old-files |
do not delete files older than a day in the directory | N/A | |
--result-count |
Count of wallpapers to download | 24 |
--page-count |
Count of page results to download | 2 |
--deletion-time |
time in seconds that files will be deleted after | 604800 |
-p --purge |
purge files in folder before downloading new images | false |
Download the top wallpapers for the day off of Reddit to a directory and delete files older than a day.
python3 -m pip install Pillow requests praw imgurpython
Variable | Description | Choices | [Default] |
-v --verbose |
increase the verbosity | 0 |
-a --album |
download pictures using a imgur album id | N/A | |
-d --directory |
directory to save images to | ~/Pictures/Backgrounds/Downloaded Backgrounds/ |
-b --blacklisted |
blacklist directory for images that shouldn't be downloaded again | ~/Pictures/Backgrounds/Blacklisted Backgrounds/ |
--min-width |
min width of image | 1920 |
--min-height |
min height of image | 1080 |
--max-height |
max height of image | 10000 |
--max-width |
max width of image | 10000 |
--force-aspect-ratio |
only download files that match the given aspect ratio | '25:16','3:2','5:4', '4:3', '16:10', '9:16', '16:9' |
10000 |
--force-height |
only download files that match given height | N/A | |
--force-width |
only download files that match given width | N/A | |
-s --subreddit |
the subreddit to download pictures from | wallpapers+wallpaper+MinimalWallpaper |
--no-delete-old-files |
do not delete files older than a day in the directory | N/A | |
--search-term |
search wallpapers for a specific term | N/A | |
--deletion-time |
time in seconds that files will be deleted after | 86400 |