Wix Embedded MySql library provides a way to run real MySql within your integration tests.
- Your tests can run on production-like environment: match version, encoding, timezone, database/schema/user settings;
- Its easy, much easier than installing right version by hand;
- You can use different versions/configuration per project without any local set-up;
- Supports multiple platforms: Windows, Linux and OSX;
- Provides constantly updated multiple versions of MySql - 5.5, 5.6, 5.7;
- Testing matrix for all supported OSes (x86/x64) and versions (5.5, 5.6, 5.7).
Add dependency to your pom.xml:
- Basic usage example
- Customizing mysqld settings
- Customizing download settings
- Multiple schemas/databases
- Resetting schemas between tests
- Using in a hermetic environment
You can start an embedded mysql with defaults and a single schema:
import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_7_latest;
EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_7_latest)
.addSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))
//do work
mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook
If you need more control in configuring embeded mysql instance, you can use MysqldConfig builder:
import com.wix.mysql.config.MysqldConfig;
import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.MysqldConfig.aMysqldConfig;
import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_6_23;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.Charset.UTF8;
MysqldConfig config = aMysqldConfig(v5_6_23)
.withUser("differentUser", "anotherPassword")
.withTimeout(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.withServerVariable("max_connect_errors", 666)
EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(config)
.addSchema("aschema", ScriptResolver.classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))
.addSchema("aschema2", ScriptResolver.classPathScripts("db/*.sql"))
//do work
mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook
In addition you can control additional settings of embedded mysql by providing configs that have base type of AdditionalConfig by providing those to anEmbeddedMysql
import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_7_latest;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.DownloadConfig.aDownloadConfig;
DownloadConfig downloadConfig = aDownloadConfig()
EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_7_latest, downloadConfig)
.addSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))
//do work
mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook
EmbeddedMysql supports multiple schemas and additional configuration options provided via SchemaConfig builder:
import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;
import com.wix.mysql.config.SchemaConfig;
import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScripts;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.SchemaConfig.aSchemaConfig;
import static com.wix.mysql.config.Charset.LATIN1;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_6_latest;
SchemaConfig schema = aSchemaConfig("aSchema")
EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_6_latest)
.addSchema("aschema2", classPathScripts("db/*.sql"))
//do work
mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook
It is intended to be started once per test-suite, but you can reset schema in between tests which recreates database and applies provided migrations:
import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql.anEmbeddedMysql;
import static com.wix.mysql.ScriptResolver.classPathScript;
import static com.wix.mysql.distribution.Version.v5_6_latest;
EmbeddedMysql mysqld = anEmbeddedMysql(v5_6_latest)
.addSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"))
//do work
mysqld.reloadSchema("aschema", classPathScript("db/001_init.sql"));
//continue on doing work
mysqld.stop(); //optional, as there is a shutdown hook
Source for examples can be found here
Some build tools strongly encourages you to have tests which are isolated from the internet.
To support such a use-case you can use the wix-embedded-mysql-download-and-extract
It produces a runnable jar (wix-embedded-mysql-download-and-extract-2.2.7-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
) which you can call with java -jar wix-embedded-mysql-download-and-extract-2.2.7-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar $majorVersion $minorVersion
and it will download and extract the needed installer for you.
Additionally you should pass the download directory to your test so that it can configure your DownloadConfig#withCacheDir
to use that directory instead of downloading it from the internet.
Build on top of de.flapdoodle.embed.process
- After detecting current platform and requested version, Wix Embedded MySql will download the correct version from dev.mysql.com and extract needed files to local folder. Note that this is a one-time action, where subsequent invocations use pre-downloaded/pre-extracted cached package.
- Upon execution needed files are being copied into target folder, database created, service started and post-configuration (user, schema, etc.) performed.
- On jvm shutdown mysqld process is stopped and temporary files cleaned-up.
- latest OSX;
- ubuntu precise 32/64;
- windows 2012;
- mysql, starting version 5.5.10 requires
to be preinstalled on linux, but that is not the case for some linux distributions. Proper error is emitted if it's missing and you have to install it manually (ex. ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install libaio1
#License Use of this source code is governed by a BSD License, which basically means you can use and modify it freely.