How did the old 1970's Chevy jingle go? "Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, they go together in the good ol’ USA." Well what about baseball and RASPBERRY PI?
Get the live box score, plays, and batter stats of your favorite MLB team* right on your desktop.
⚾ View images and a short video of this device.
- Use raspi-config to:
- Set the Memory Split value to a value of 16MB
- Set up your WiFi connection
- Connect the Raspberry Pi HQ Camera to your Raspberry Pi
- Run
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
** and uncomment the reference to the source repo
- Installation of the program, any software prerequisites, as well as the e-ink display drivers can be completed with the following two-line install script.
wget -q -O ~/
sudo chmod +x ~/ && ~/
baseball --team Orioles
- --team : Set the MLB team name (default: D-backs)
- --refresh : Set the refresh rate in seconds (default: 15)
Want to start Baseball Pi every time you boot your Raspberry Pi? Here is how!
- Run
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/baseball.service
** and enter the following lines (be sure to specify your favorite team!):
Description=Baseball Pi service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/baseball/ --team Orioles
SyslogIdentifier=Baseball Pi
- Run
sudo systemctl enable baseball.service
- Run
sudo systemctl start baseball.service
- Run
sudo reboot
All game data is the property of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. This code was created for personal use only and does not construe any rights to use this data without the express permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. Other trademarks used throughout this repository are the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only. You may not hold the owners and operators (or any associated parties) of the <eat-sleep-code /> websites and repositories liable or financially responsible for any damages including—but not limited to—emotional, physical, or financial damages incurred during or after the use of this repository or any referenced websites. Use of this repository and/or the code found within constitutes an agreement to these terms.