Fix CRAN note #483
10 warnings
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_inclusion.R,line=188,col=44,[unnecessary_lambda_linter] Compare to a constant after calling vapply() to get the full benefits of vectorization. Prefer vapply(x, foo, FUN.VALUE = <intermediate>) == 2 over vapply(x, function(xi) foo(xi) == 2, logical(1L)).
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_models.R,line=180,col=28,[keyword_quote_linter] Only quote targets of extraction with $ if necessary, i.e., if the name is not a valid R symbol (see ?make.names). Use backticks to create non-syntactic names, or use [[ to extract by string.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_models.R,line=349,col=28,[keyword_quote_linter] Only quote targets of extraction with $ if necessary, i.e., if the name is not a valid R symbol (see ?make.names). Use backticks to create non-syntactic names, or use [[ to extract by string.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_models.R,line=449,col=34,[keyword_quote_linter] Only quote targets of extraction with $ if necessary, i.e., if the name is not a valid R symbol (see ?make.names). Use backticks to create non-syntactic names, or use [[ to extract by string.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_models.R,line=568,col=7,[return_linter] Use implicit return behavior; explicit return() is not needed.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_parameters.R,line=268,col=121,[line_length_linter] Lines should not be more than 120 characters. This line is 136 characters.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_parameters.R,line=295,col=121,[line_length_linter] Lines should not be more than 120 characters. This line is 139 characters.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor_parameters.R,line=446,col=121,[line_length_linter] Lines should not be more than 120 characters. This line is 130 characters.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor.R,line=11,col=121,[line_length_linter] Lines should not be more than 120 characters. This line is 148 characters.
lint / lint:
file=R/bayesfactor.R,line=20,col=121,[line_length_linter] Lines should not be more than 120 characters. This line is 145 characters.