Releases: earlephilhower/arduino-pico
Release 4.5.1 - Windows Python Fix, Bidirectional TDM
Release 4.5.0 - 200MHz Pico, SDK 2.1.1
Updates the core to the 2.1.1 Pico SDK release (plus a couple necessary fixes on the 2.1.2-develop branch) and bumps the RP2040 Pico default clock to the newly certified 200MHz. Other miscellaneous minor board-specific and library updates.
SDK / Clocks
- Add SparkFun XRP Controller (#2847)
- Define HSTX pins on Adafruit boards with HSTX or DVI connectors (#2825)
- Add SparkFun XRP Controller (Beta) (#2823)
- Support Makerbase MKSTHR36 and MKSTHR42 Boards (#2819)
- Added WizNet W6100 to the AdvancedWebServer example (#2812)
- Add SparkFun IoT RedBoard RP2350 (#2836)
Release 4.4.4 - Arduino API 1.5.1 update
Update to the latest Arduino API release (1.5.1), which includes some String
bug fixes among others. Should not affect user code.
Arduino API
- Move to Arduino API 10501 (#2797)
New Boards, Fixes
- Add new RP2350 Metro! (#2795)
- Fix Wire/Wire1 definitions for Xaio RP2350 (#2811)
- Correct Seeed XAIO RP2350 config (#2803)
Release 4.4.3 - Bidirectional I2S, SoftwareSPI
Minor update that adds a bidirectional I2S interface (input and output using a single BCLK/LRCLK) and a software-based SPI interface to allow SPI connections on any pin.
Peripherals (I2S, SPI)
- Deduplicate SPI and SoftwareSPI routines (#2779)
- Add PIO-based SoftwareSPI enabling SPI on any pins (#2778)
- Add buffer read to
(#2777) - Bi-directional I2S support (#2775)
Release 4.4.2 - Bug fixes and SDIO support
Multiple minor bug fixes across many subsystems. Adds SDIO (4-bit high speed) SD card support and moves to untouched SdFat upstream library. Speeds of up to 15MB/s with this mode have been shown, well above 1-bit SPI mode (but it does require a new physical adapter with all 4 DAT0...DAT3 pins). ExFAT support is now enabled as well, allowing for very large card access.
- Replace ESP8266SdFat w/SdFat 2.3.0, SDIO, ExFAT (#2764)
Library updates
New boards
- Add SparkFun IoT Node LoRaWAN (#2745)
Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Change duty cycle of PIO Tone to 50% (#2770)
- PIOProgram: Replace __pioHighGPIO with pio_get_gpio_base() (#2769)
- Fix ADCInput clocks for multiple inputs (#2755)
- Restore Bluetooth TLV on Pico2/RPiWiFi boards (#2753)
- Correct return from NTP.waitSet() (#2736)
- Remove unneeded SDK files from libpico/etc. (#2733)
- Remove SDK C++ new/delete, duplicated objects (#2760)
- A2DPSink: Remove stubs, fix volume and connect callbacks (#2757)
Release 4.4.1 - Minor refactoring and update
Minor quality-of-life release for audio output, especially PWMAudio. Precalculating values turns a 65K soft-FPU operation into a linear search of 12 entries in 99.9% of the cases.
I2S and PWMAudio and BluetoothAudio now share a common audio interface to simplify code like BackgroundAudio or ESP8266Audio.
- Allow setting PWMAudio frequency before begin (#2726)
- Properly wrap AudioBufferManager block writes (#2725)
- Add AudioOutputBase keyword
- Precalculate common PWMAudio dividers, avoid noise (#2714)
- Add real block write for AudioRequestBuffer (#2712)
- Overclock to 153.6 MHz (instead of 147.6 MHz) for I²S 48 kHz sample rate (#2708)
Release 4.4.0 - Semihosting, GProf, and bug fixes
Major new feature is Semihosting which lets the Pico read and write files (and to the terminal) on the host while debugging. It's very handy for debugging and testing. The debug console can now be directed to the host through the IDE using this capability.
GNU profiling of running applications is also available, but is most useful on the RP2350 due to the RAM requirements.
Audio interfaces are unified under a C++ interface class for easier reuse in libraries or applications like BackgroundAudio. This should be backwards compatible with the prior individual classes.
Semihosting and Profiling
- Semihosting part of core, RISC-V support (#2685)
- Add semihosting support (SerialSemi and SemiFS) (#2670)
- Enable gprof onboard profiling (#2669)
- Add -O0 optimization mode to menus (#2667)
- GDB + mklittlefs can export on-device filesystems to the host (#2666)
New/Updated Boards
- Add Pimoroni Plasma 2350, fix Plasma 2040 I2C (#2698)
- Add MyMakers RP2040 board (#2692)
- Modify EVN Alpha board (#2690)
- Add build.mcu to board definitions (#2673)
WiFi and MDNS
Release 4.3.1 - Pico W and Pico 2W hotfixes
Minor update that fixes a busted pinMode
call on the Pico W and sets the proper Pico 2 W LED so things like blink.ino
will work properly. Increase to LWIP state to support simultaneous SimpleMDNS
and WiFiClient
Release 4.3.0 - Pico 2W and RP2350 WiFi
Adds WiFi support to RP2350-based boards like the Raspberry Pi Pico 2W, Sparkfun Thing Plus RP2350, and Pimoroni Pico Plus 2W. SDK update to support these new devices.
WiFi and New Boards
- Update to SDK 2.1.0, add Pico 2W (#2629)
- Add Adafruit Floppsy board (#2628)
- Support WiFi/BT/BLE with RP2350 CYW43 boards (#2616)
- WiFiUDP only emit a packet on flush if not ended (#2618)
Release 4.2.1 - New boards, MDNS, and bug fixes
Minor update with several new boards and updates to existing ones. For FreeRTOS, a working MDNS responder has been added, and MDNS lookups (xxxx.local) now work for both bare metal and FreeRTOS. I2S input has had a timing fix applied as well.
New Boards
- Add SparkFun Thing Plus RP2350 (#2605) -- note no WiFi support yet
- Add wiznet_5100s_evb_pico2, wiznet_5500_evb_pico2 (#2575)
- Correct pin definitions for XIAO RP2350 (#2591)