My son found a different repo which functioned similarly but had some limitations. Mostly of which was focused on using Siri shortcuts. Fortunatly for us we are not a part of that realm. I sued some of the App code as reference and a lead on research. I decided to create a new app to fullfill my son's needs and requirements as well as make is more universally accessable via a website instead of just Siri.
I am not an influencer nor do I have any form of social frontage. However I have been in IT at just about every level for the past 30+ years. If you decide to use this code, use it at your own risk with out warantee or liability on my part. If you have an issue or feature request, I will respond but since this is something I had never done before I may not be able to accomidate the request.
Pull the names of the spreadsheets and populate the dropdown with that so the processing is more in sync when saving to a particular spreadsheet. Complete the List dropdown functionality. Add move item from a location to another (from 1 sheet to another) Better looking UI
I will try to work on the above as time allows.