A bare bones Wordpress starter kit. Includes useful plugins, functions and an esbuild workflow to compile Sass and JavaScript.
- Create a new directory for your website:
cd ~/projects/my-new-website
- Download a fresh Wordpress install:
With WP-CLI http://wp-cli.org/:
wp core download
Or with a terminal:
curl https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz --output latest.tar.gz
tar xfz latest.tar.gz
mv wordpress/* ./
rmdir ./wordpress/
rm -f latest.tar.gz
Rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php and configure it with your database information.
Remove the wp-content directory (this repository will replace it):
rm -rf wp-content/
- Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:dylanfisher/5andbox.git wp-content
- Rename the 5andbox theme to your new website's name:
cd wp-content/themes/
mv 5andbox/ my-new-website/
Edit the
file and configure the Theme Name, URI, author and description (this is a duplicated plain CSS file, in addition tostyle.scss
set up in SCSS). -
This theme includes a version of Forest Assets adjusted to work with Wordpress.
Delete the .git directory and initialize a new git repo in the theme directory (unless you want to track plugins):
cd ~/projects/my-new-website/wp-content/
rm -rf .git
mv .gitignore themes/my-new-website/
cd themes/my-new-website
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "first commit"
This theme ships with Advanced Custom Fields and Classic Editor. You may also find the following plugins helpful.
Install Node, npm (Node Package Manager) and nvm (Node Version Manager)
Install npm development dependencies
cd ~/projects/my-new-website/wp-content/themes/my-new-website
npm install
- Run esbuild
npm run build
esbuild automatically watches files and rebuilds assets on change.
Add the following to your text editor's project configuration to exclude build files from being indexed.
Sublime Text:
"path": "/Users/dylanfisher/projects/my-new-website/wp-content/themes/my-new-website",
"folder_exclude_patterns": ["dist", "build", "/Users/dylanfisher/projects/my-new-website/wp-content/themes/my-new-website/vendor"],
"file_exclude_patterns": ["style.css"]
Update the htaccess file on your server with content from this theme's htaccess file.
Confirm that your web host has backups enabled