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When a Non-Persistent Object colletion contains a lot of objects, it is often useful to filter it. However, the built-in filtering facilities are disabled for non-persistent collections by default.
To enable filtering and sorting for Non-Persistent Objects, use the built-in DynamicCollection class or a custom DynamicCollectionBase descendant.
Create a DynamicCollection instance and pass it in the NonPersistentObjectSpace.ObjectsGetting event handler. Subscribe to the DynamicCollection.ObjectsGetting event and pass a new collection of non-persistnet objects every time the filtering or sorting parameters are changed. If you cannot filter the collection manually, set the ShapeRawData event parameter to true. Then, DynamicCollection will process data (filter, sort, trim) internally.
This example demonstrates two approaches to filter objects.
The Contact objects are filtered at the storage level. The Criteria and Sorting values passed in event parameters are converted to the storage-specific format and used in arguments of the DataSet.Select method call. The DataSet returns filtered and sorted data that is then transformed into non-persistent objects. This approach can be useful if data for non-persistent objects is obtained from a remote service, a custom database query or a stored procedure.
The Artice objects are filtered and sorted by the DynamicCollection internally. This functionality is enabled when the ShapeRawData parameter of the DynamicCollection.ObjectsGetting event is set to true. This approach is useful when all data is already available and no custom processing is required.
When DynamicCollection is used, the built-in FullTextSearch Action is shown in corresonding non-persistent list views.
The FindArticlesController in this example shows a custom search form with a lookup editor that allows filtering non-perssitent objects in a lookup list view.
Filtering and sorting at the data source level is also supported in Reports. Use the Criteria and Sorting properties of CollectionDataSource to specify filter criteria and sorting parameters.