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DSri Seah edited this page Oct 11, 2024 · 6 revisions

URSYS is used for rapid prototyping of academic Learning Science research software. It is actively developed/tested on MacOS as this is the popular hardware platform in many departments. We also primarily assume Chromium/V8-based browser for web apps, typically running on Chromebooks in the classroom. Our secondary compatibility target are iPads running IOS. The Safari and Firefox browsers on desktop are the least-tested platforms.

The URSYS Build Framework is the tooling that surround URSYS feature development, and is designed to work on a local computer running MacOS or Linux from the terminal. In the future, URSYS will be available as a package that you can import into your NodeJS project without the Build Framework.

System Requirements

There are two basic packages you need to have installed before using the URSYS Build Framework:

  • Git - For MacOS, this is done by executing the command xcode-select --install and accepting the dialogs. For Linux, see your distro's development tools package (e.g. sudo apt-get install build-essential for Ubuntu).
  • Node Version Manager - installed via script from official repo at by following the Install & Update Script instructions in the README

To run the server, it's recommended that the host computer has a minimum of 2GB free memory for development. On Linux systems, use the free -m command to check. If you are using remote editing with Visual Studio Code, you will need a minimum of 4GB for the remote server to be responsive.

Official Development Environment

We have standardized on Visual Studio Code (VSCODE) because it is free at the time of this writing. While VSCODE isn't required to run the Build Framework, we do make use of VSCODE extensions and .code-workspace settings to help ensure a consistent editing experience for all contributors to our codebase.

The Build Framework's target developer is an intermediate-level programmer who develops their code as they think-through their challenges, so our VSCODE build system implements "live linting", "format on save", and "hot module reloading" as much as possible. We generally do not implement CI/CD features or employ a rigorous regression testing workflow at this time.

The Live environment is dependent on configuration files that are tailored for day-to-day use when using Visual Studio Code. It's recommended that you use VSCode's File -> Open Workspace menu to load the .code-workspace project file for default configuration of the IDE.

URSYS Build Framework Installation Instructions

Quick Installation

After ensuring that git and nvm are installed correctly, follow the instructions for your specific system:

  1. From the terminal: git clone
  2. Open Visual Studio Code and remove -example from the end of the ursys.code-workspace-example file.
  3. Use "Open Workspace" to open ursys.code-workspace project file.
  4. Open the integrated terminal (ctrl ~), type: nvm use; npm ci
  5. Run the test app with npm run example

Detailed Installation