Musl-LFS Public
Linux From Scratch using Musl as Libc
BMLFS Public
Beyond Musl Linux From Scratch - Build Recipes for MLFS [Musl Linux From Source]
CMLFS Public
Clang-Built Musl Linux From Scratch
MLFS-S6-Bootscripts Public
Bootscripts to boot a MLFS/LFS system with s6 and s6-rc
BlackShades Public
Forked from fjolnir/BlackshadesBlackshades fixed to make it build on Linux (Blackshades was created by Wolfire games - http://www.wolfire.com)
C++ Other UpdatedSep 2, 2023 -
Raptix Public
An open-source operating system (OS) running a Linux kernel with a custom filesystem hierarchy.
Forked-LFS Public
A Fork of Linux From Scratch, using the build method that was dropped after LFS 9.0
mlfs-linux-live Public
Forked from Tomas-M/linux-liveMusl Linux from Scratch Live Kit - Create a Live System from running MLFS system
Realtek-rts5229-linux-driver Public
Forked from Zibri/Realtek-rts5229-linux-driverRealtek card reader driver for kernel >4.4.x (ubuntu 16.04-17.10 have broken driver and all kernels up to 4.15.0-041500rc1)
BMLFS-pkg Public
Build recipes for Musl Linux From Scratch using pkgtools as package manager
void-packages Public
Forked from void-linux/void-packagesThe Void source packages collection
venom Public
Forked from daemonbsd56/venomScript collection to build Venom Linux
runit-scripts-blfs Public
Updated & tested runit scripts for a LFS/BLFS system. Largely based on the runit scripts of VOID Linux